Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer (한국토양비료학회지)
- Volume 12 Issue 2
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- Pages.83-89
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- 1979
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- 0367-6315(pISSN)
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- 2288-2162(eISSN)
The effect of soil amendments on rice yield in sandy soils
사질답(砂質沓)에 있어서 개량제 시용(施用)이 수도증수에 미치는 영향(影響)
Lim, J.H.
(Yeongnam Crops Experiment Station, ORD) ;
- Park, K.B. (Yeongnam Crops Experiment Station, ORD) ;
- Lee, I.H. (Yeongnam Crops Experiment Station, ORD) ;
- Jung, Y.T. (Yeongnam Crops Experiment Station, ORD) ;
- Park, R.K. (Yeongnam Crops Experiment Station, ORD)
(농촌진흥청 영남작물시험장) ;
- 박경배 (농촌진흥청 영남작물시험장) ;
- 이일호 (농촌진흥청 영남작물시험장) ;
- 정연태 (농촌진흥청 영남작물시험장) ;
- 박래경 (농촌진흥청 영남작물시험장)
- Published : 1979.09.25
To improve the physico-chemical properties of sandy alluvial soils for paddy rice, several soil amendments such as wollastonite, dolomite adding red earth and compost were applied compositely. The results are summarized as follows. 1. The application of soil amendments caused an increase of calcium, magnesium and silica contents in the soils, and it was also possible to maintain a high pH during the cropping season. 2. Among the mineral elements in the plant, calcium and silica content were increased by the treatment of adding red earth, dolomite and wollastonite. 3. By the application of wallastonite and dolomite, the phosphorous content in the plant decreased in comparison with no-amendment treatment, and the potash in the plant also decreased after the ear formation stage of the rice. 4. The most desirable treatment (adding red earth+dolomite+extra N) resulted in 19% increase of rice yield, while the composite of wollastonite and compost brought 10% yield increase. The high ripeding ratio was the factor which influenced the yield favorably.
토양의 이화학적 특성(特性)이 불량(不良)한 사질답(砂質畓)을 개량(改良)코저 규회석(珪灰石), Dolomite, 객토(客土), 퇴비등(堆肥等) 개량제를 병용했을때 이들 개량제가 수도수량에 미치는 영향(影響)을 밝히고저 시험한 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. 1. 토양중의 무기성분(無機成分) 변화는 개량제 시용(施用)에 의(依)하여 석회(石灰), 고토(苦土), 규산함량(珪酸含量)이 증가되었고 pH도 높게 유지(維持)되었다. 2. 식물체 무기성분(無機成分) 함량중(含量中) 석회(石灰) 규산함량(珪酸含量)은 객토(客土) Dolomite 규회석등(珪灰石等)의 개량제 시용(施用)에 의하여 증가되었다. 3. 규회석(珪灰石)과 Dolomite 시용(施用)에 의(依)하여 식물체중 인산함량(燐酸含量)은 관행(慣行)에 비(比)해 전생육기간(全生育期間)을 통(通)하여 감소(減少)되었고 가리함량(加里含量)도 유수형성기(幼穗形成期) 이후(以後)부터 감소(減少)되었다. 4. 가장 증수된 개량제처리는 객토(客土)+Dolomlte+N 증시처리로서 19% 증수되었으며, 규회석(珪灰石)+유기물처리에서도 10% 증수되었다. 이들 증수요인은 등숙율증가에 기인(基因)되었다.