보건진료원 및 보건진료보조원의 근무시간활용에 대한 조사연구

Time and Motion Study of Community Health Practitioners and Community Health Aids in Ocku Area

  • 황인담 (전북대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실(Dept. of Preventive Medicine, Jeonbuk National University Medical School)) ;
  • 기노석 (전북대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실(Dept. of Preventive Medicine, Jeonbuk National University Medical School))
  • 발행 : 1979.03.01


A study on analysis of daily activities and time allocations of Community health Practitioners(CHP) and Community Health Aids(CHA) who assigned to Ocku Demonstration Health Project of the Korean Health Development Institute was conducted for one week from 3rd through 8th December 1979. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy including productivity of the community Health Workers developed by KHDI for rural areas. Five Community Health Practitioners and eight Community Health Aids were selected for the studies and their activities and time allocations were measured by designed format for one week. The following are the summary of the findings. 1. The mean age of the CHPs was 34.4 years with standard deviation 4.8 years, while that of CHAs was 26.9 years with standard deviation 3.1 years. 2. On educational background, all of the CHPs were graduated from Junior Nursing College, six CHAs were from high school and the rest of them from middle school. 3. On marital status, all CHPs were married, meanwhile four CHAs were married and the rest of them were single. 4. On service duration in public health fields, all of the CHPs have worked for less than three years, meanwhile five CHAs for 5 to 9 years and one CHA for more than 10 years. 5. Only one CHP lives in the myon where she works, and the rest of them live in other areas. Three CHAs live in the same myon where they work, and five live in other areas. 6. On types of work, the CHPs have worked on technical areas for 3.6 hours per day and on supportive and administrative activities for 2.7 hours and other activities for 1.8 hours on average. 7. The CHAs have spent 2.9 hours a day on technical activities, 4.2 hours on supportive and administrative activities and 1.6 hours on other activities in terms of time spent on average. 8. The average hours per day spent by CHPs on functional areas were 2.2 hours for clinic activities, 13.7 minutes for maternal health, 30.1 minutes for infant and child health, 13.4 minutes for family planning, 1.1 hours for supporting activities and 1.7 hours for administrative affairs. 9. The average hours per day spent by CHAs on functional areas were 4.1 hours for administrative affairs, 2.6 hours for supportive activities and only 2.9 for maternal health, infant and child health an family planning, and other technical works. 10. The average time spent by CHPs on clinical works were 1.0 minutes for history takings on disease, 2.6 minutes for physical examinations, 1.1 minutes for measurements, 3.8 minutes for administration of medications, 1.5 minutes for educations and 0.9 minutes for others. 11. On the average 92.8 percent of whole working hours of CHPs were spent in the substations, meanwhile 70.4 percent of CHAs were spent in the substations. 12. 17.8 percent of field working hours of CHAs were spent on the roal for their transportations. 13. The average time for unit service performance by CHPs were 10.9 minutes on clinical case, 18.1 minutes on maternal health, 14.8 minutes on infant and child health, 20.5 minutes on family planning and 29.9 minutes on tuberculosis control. 14. The average time for unit service performance by CHAs were 19.4 minutes on clinical work, 19.9 minutes on maternal health, 20.1 minutes on infant and child health, 17.2 minutes on family planning, 22.2 minutes on tuberculosis control.
