슬래그의 조성변화가 수화반응에 미치는 영향

Effects of Composition on the Hydration of Blastfurnace Granulated Slag

  • 발행 : 1979.04.01


In order to improve hydration reactivity of blast furnace slag, it's composition was changed by adding of CaO. The slags were quenched in water at 1,400℃. Hydration reactivityof modified slags was studied by x-ray diffractometer, conduction calorimeter and so on. Experimental results were summarized as follows. 1. Glass content and hydration reactivity of slag depend significantly on quenching temperature of the slag melt. To enhance the reactivity, slag melts which belongs to Frenkel-type liquid, must be quenched above 1,300℃. 2. Vitrification of slag melts was confirmed as CaO/SiO2 ratio increased up to 1.57 with flux, 1.51 without flux, also their hydration reactivity was improved.



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