Kartagener's Syndrome ; 2례 보고 (Kartagener 증후군의 기관지확장증의 와과적 치료)

Kartagener's Syndrome ; A Report of Two Cases (Surgical Treatment of Bronchiectasis in Kartagener's Syndrome.)

  • 발행 : 1979.09.01


Kartagener`s syndrome is a clinical entity comprising a combination of situs inversus, bronchiectasis, and sinusitis or nasal polyposis. This syndrome is rare and is usually seen in a young age group. The syndrome is punctated by recurrent upper respiratory tract infection and pneumonia. This is a report of Kartagener`s syndrome found in 18 years old male and 21 years old female patients who were received surgical treatment of bronchiectasis. The male patient was performed right transposed lingular segmentectomy and lower lobectomy and female patient was perforated left transposed middle lobectomy and lower lobectomy. Both patients were discharged with good results.
