Benorylate Interaction with Ethoxybenzamide and Lorazepam

Benorylate와 Ethoxybenzamide 밍 Lorazepam 과의 상호작용

  • Published : 1979.03.01


Benorylate and ethoxybenzamide have been used alone or in combination as an analgesic, antipyretic and antiinflammatory agent. We investigated the significance of the differences of analgesic activities between single and concurrent administration of benorylate and ethoxybenzamide and lorazepam in mice and also antipyretic activity between single and concurrent administration of benorylate and ethoxybenzamide in rats. 1). Concurrent administration of each half dose of benorylate and ethoxybenamide showed much inhibiting effect on the acetic acid-induced writhing syndrome of mice than the above drug alone, and the some increased analgesic response by hot plate method. 2). The synergistic and analgesic effect of combined administration of benorylate and lorazepam was found to be significant. 3). Antipyretic effect of half-dose combined administration of benorylate and ethoxybenzamide on the rat pyrexia induced by yeast(s.c.) and T.T.G. (i.v.) was shown to be similar to the effect of each drug.



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