Determinants of Hourly Earnings for Employed Women

  • Kim, Soo-Kon (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and at Korea Development Institute)
  • Published : 1978.06.30


Hourly earnings of the employed U. S. women are regressed upon a set of independent variables, separately for white and nonwhite women. In support of the human capitalist's point of view higher hourly earnings are positively associated with number of years of education completed, attainment of vocational training either at the company or/and non company training. In addition to education one's obtainments of certain occupational certificate and one's assignment of occupation in the order of the Duncan prestige index and years of work experience since leaving school are also significantly related to hourly earnings. Women workers employed at the government sector or employed in an industry where proportion of female is smaller than average earn more than those at private sector or at industries of high female composition.
