전자기장에 의한 특물성장촉진에 관한 연구

A Study of stimulating plant growth without fertilizers in a electro-magnetic field.

  • 발행 : 1978.12.01


電磁氣場에서 肥料없이 植物成長을 硏究하였다. 남용된 化學 肥料 때문에 야기되는 窒酸監의 汚染 즉 토양의 酸性化를 억제하고 電磁氣長으로 生態系를 保存하면서 植物成의 促進(40%) 함을 確認할 수 있었다.

This paper is an experimental arrangement developed by the author to test certain theories relative to stimulating plant growth in a electro-magnetic field. It was the invention and use of cheap chemical fertiliazers that effectively suppressed electro-cultural engineering. Today, however, we are in the position where nitrate pollution by these very fertilizers threaten not only our water supply but the entire ecological pancrama as well. Thus it would appear that the revival of electro-culture is not only desirable but imminently necessary.
