대두의 세균성병에 관한 연구

Studies on Bacterial Diseases of Soybean

  • Cho Yong Sup (College of Agriculture, Seoul National University) ;
  • Yoo Yeon Hean (College of Agriculture, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 1977.03.01


1. 소규모접종시험을 위해서는 wire brush 접종 또는 다침접종법이 가장 효과적이었으며 포장에서의 대규모시험을 위해서는 전착제를 첨가한 세균현탁액의 살포가 좋았다. 2. 조사지역내에서의 발견된 병은 세균성 점무늬병과 세균성 불마름병 뿐이었고 담배 불마름병균에 의한 피해는 발견할 수 없었다. 3. 병원균은 이병조직속에서 겨울철인 경우 실내에서 6개월까지 생존할 수 있었고 냉장고 속에서는 10개월이상 존재했으며 토양속에서는 불마름병균이 4일, 점무늬병균이 30일간 생존하였다. 4. 종자표면에 부착된 세균은 전염원으로서 중요하지 않았으나 실험실내의 배양기 상에서는 종자의 발아를 억제했다.

Bacterial diseases of soybean has been recognized as a limiting factor of soybean production in Korea as it was estimated to cause around 10 percent of yield losses annually. The purpose of the study is to obtain information on the diseases through proving the kinds of pathogens and epidemiology, The wire brush method and multineedle appeared to be the best way of inoculation under all circumstances. Wire brush method, especially, was effective in shortening the incubation period and manifesting the lesion development by introducing more inoculum per unit of area. In case of spray inoculation it was necessary to apply a small amount(1 : 1,000) of wetting agent, twin-20, otherwise it was unabled to produce the diseases under field conditions. Two kinds of bacterial diseases caused by Pseudomonas glycinea and Xanthomonas phaseoli var. sljense were found from surveyed areas in Kore. Wild fire disease on soybean caused by Pseudomonas tabaci had not detectable during the experiment although there were several reports on the disease from other countries. when the pathogens were introduced into sterile soil, bacterial leaf blight pathogen could exsisted until 30 days while bacterial pustule pathogen survived only 4 days under the natural conditions of later June. Both bacteria, however, could produce the disease after more than 10 months period of storage in refrigerator when they were exsisted in infected plant tissues. In warehouse, non-temperature controlled, the bacteria lose their infectability within 6 months period from October to April even though they exsisted in infected tissues. Surface infested seeds with the pathogens could not produced the diseases on seedling stages of soybean plants when the seeds were planted in sterile soil after inoculation by dipping the seeds into bacterial suspensions, although germination was depressed by the pathogens when the seeds were planted on agar media.
