일부농촌의 불임수술자 실태

Voluntary Sterilization in Rural Korea

  • 발행 : 1977.10.01


과거 5년간 경북 선산군에서 남녀 불임수술을 받은 사람 232명 (남 136, 여 96)을 대상으로 실태를 조사한 결과 다음과 같이 요약할 수 있다. 불임수슬시 연령은 30대가 정관수술자는 56.1%, 난관수술자는 71.7%로 평균연령은 정관이 37.0세, 난관이 34.9세였고 결혼기간은 평균 정관수술자가 13.9년, 난관수술자가 14.6년이었다. 자녀수는 정관수술자가 평균 아들 2.3, 딸 1.7, 합계 3.6명이고 난관수술자는 아들 2.2, 딸 1.7, 합계 3.7명이었다. 수술이유는 산아제한 목적이 정관수슬자는 91.1%, 난관수술자는 52.0%였고, 수술권유자는 가족계획요원이 정관은 70.5%, 난관은 47.9%였다. 수술전 피임실시자가 정관수술자는 51.3%이고 난관수술자는 49.7%였으며 이상적인 피임방법으로 생각하고있는 것은 정관수술자는 정관수술이 72.0%, 난관수술자는 난관수술 59.3%이라고 진술하였고 수술전 인공유산 경험율이 정관수술자의 부인이 65.3%, 난관수술자는 64.2%였다. 수술후 성교회수가 많아진 사람이 정관수술은 21.3% 난관수술은 10.4%였고 성생활이 시술 이전보다 더 만족한 경우는 정관이 33%, 난관이 14.5%였다. 다른 사람에게 불임수술을 권유할 의사가 있는 사람이 정관수술의 경우 64.7%, 난관수술자는 63.5%였다.

The Korean family planning program began in 1962, originating both in a concern for family well-being and in a concern over a high population growth rate which was cancelling advances in economic capacity. The new program was frank and vigorous in its advocacy of birth control. In recent years, voluntary sterilization as a family planning method has many attributes that cause users of contraceptives to regard it as an ideal method in Korea. A point of these view, author performed a follow-up study on effects of vasectomy and tubal ligation on sociomedical aspects of total 136 men sterilized and 96 women sterilized in Sunsan Gun, Kyungpook Province as of July, 1977. The results were summerized as follows: An average age of vasectomized men was 37.0 and that of tubal ligated women, 34.9. The average duration of marital life was 13.9 years in men sterilized and 14.6 years in women sterilized. An average number of living children at the time of sterilization was 3.6 in men sterilized and that of living children, 3.7 in women sterilized. The most predominant reason for the sterilization was birth control in both (91% in men, 52% in women) and the most common motivating socilitator was family planning field workers (71% in men, 48% in women). About 51 percent of men sterilized and 50 percent of women sterilized were used contraceptive methods before the operation. Experience of induced abortion is reported in 65 percent of wives of men sterilized and 64 percent of women sterilized. In sexual feeling after sterilization, respondents shelved increasing coital frequency 21 percent in men sterilized and 10 percent in women sterilized. Sixty-five percent in men sterilized and 64 percent in women sterilized would recommend the operation to others.
