몇가지 효모(酵母)의 산(酸) 및 알콜생성(生成)에 미치는 발효조건(醱酵條件)의 영향(影響)

The Influence of Fermentation Conditions on the Formation of Acid and Alcohol by Some Yeast Strains

  • Park, Yoon-joong (Dept. of Food Sci. & Technol., Coll. of Agr., Chungnam Univ.) ;
  • Sohn, Cheon-bae (Dept. of Food Sci. & Technol., Coll. of Agr., Chungnam Univ.)
  • 발행 : 1977.12.31


3종(種)의 효모(酵母)를 시험균주(試驗菌株)로 사용(使用)하여 효모(酵母)의 산(酸) 및 알콜생성(生成)에 미치는 발효조건(醱酵條件)의 영향(影響)을 검토(檢討)하였다. 시험결과(試驗結果)는 다음과 같다. 1. 3균주(菌株)는 모두 혐기적조건(嫌氣的條件)에서보다 배지면(培地面)에 공기(空氣)가 닿아있는 호기적조건(好氣的條件)에서 산성성(酸性成)과 알콜생성(生成)($CO_2$ 발생(發生))이 많았다. 2. 반합성배지(半合成培地)의 경우에 비(比)하여 료배지에서는 산(酸)과 알콜의 생성(生成)이 속(速)히 이루어졌으며 최고치(最高値)에 이르는 시간(時間)이 짧았다. 3. 료배지의 경우에는 혐기적(嫌氣的) 또는 호기적(好氣的)의 어느 조건(條件)에서도 산성성량(酸性成量)의 순위(順位)는 No. 239>No.7>No.47로 되었으며 알콜생성량(生成量)의 순위(順位)는 No. 47>No. 239>No. 7로 되었다. 4. No. 239균(菌)은 산화능(酸化能)이 강(强)할 뿐만 아니라 발효능(醱酵能)도 상당(相當)히 강(强)하므로 다산성(多酸性)의 양조주제조(釀造酒製造)에 이용(利用)할 수 있다고 생각된다.

These experiments were conducted to investigate the formation of organic acid and ethanol during fermentation by three yeast strains. One of these was industrial strain (No.7) from Japan, and the others were wild types (No. 47, No. 239) isolated from Takju-mash and Strawbery, respectively. Conditions of fermentation were varied by differing the supply of oxygen (air), and by using different fermentation media The results obtained were as follows: 1) All the yeast strains produced higher amount of total organic acid and ethanol under the conditions which were aerobic, i.e. the flasks were opened during fermentation, than in case of using the flasks with fermentation bung. 2) Organic acid and ethanol were produced rapidly in the mash medium than in the semi-synthetic medium, i.e. total amount of organic acid and ethanol was maximized in a short time in the mash medium. 3) On the mash medium, the highest amount of organic acid was obtained by the strain No. 239, the next by No. 7 and the lowest by No. 47. Ethanol was produced on this medium with decreacing order of No. 47, No. 239, and No. 7. 4) The strain No. 239 was proved to be a powerful organic acid producer, yielding higher amount of organic acid especially under the aerobic conditions. 5) Above results suggests that the strain No. 239 could be of useful in alcoholic drink industry, due to its powerful ethanol-producing characteristic accompaning with high yielding of organic acids.
