An Estimation Of Average Current Velocity In The Western Channel Of The Korea Strait From Mean Sea Level Data

  • Lee, Jae Chul (Department of Oceanography, Seoul National University) ;
  • Jung, Chang Hee (Department of Meteorology, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 1977.12.01


With the serial observation data and the tidal records at Busan and Izuhara from 1966 to 1973, the geostrophic current velocity and its relation to the difference of mean sea level of both sides were studied in order to estimate indirectly the average current velocity from the tidal observations. The results shows that the current velocity is estimated by the relationship V=4.016(H-98.3) with the 95% confidence limits of V 4.2 cm/sec. Ther relationship between the observed current velocity and the simultaneous daily mean sea level difference shows a similar result, V=4.717(H-99.6). The two equations were applied to the evaluation of annual variations of current velocity from the average monthly mean sea level data of both stations.
