Polyvinylchloride에 있어 가소제의 첨가가 유기안정제의 내 방사성 및 유전, 기계적 특성에 미치는 영향

Effects of Plasticizer to Polyvinylchloride on Radio-resistance of Organic Stabilizer,Dielectric and Mechanical Characteristics under the Influence of Radiation

  • 김봉흡 (한양대공대 전기공학과) ;
  • 강도열 (홍익대 공대 전기공학과) ;
  • 이재인 (한양대공대 전기공학과)
  • 발행 : 1977.03.01


In order to investigate the properties of radiation resistance together with dielectric, and mechanical relaxation behaviors of polyvinylcholoride exposed to several different doses under the .gamma.-ray of Co$^{60}$ source, several observations were carried out on the exposed specimens propared by mixing dibutyl-tin-dilaulate and dibutyl-tin-dimaleate as stabilizer with or without adding dioctyl-phthalate as plasticizer. Conclusions obtained from the study are as follows: The origin of the absorption band at 1,540-1,640$cm^{-1}$ / on I.R. spectrum seems to be RCOO- ion originated from ionization of the stabilizer, and this peak can be useful as a measure of radiation resistance on polyvinylchloride. Addition of increasing plasticizer to polyvinylchloride exhibits increasing radiation resistance and the reason for this result may be attributed to aromatic resonance absorption of radiation energy by diotylphthalate. On dose dependent dielectric characteristics, nonplastized specimen shows a peak at about 10 Mrad and that this peak disappears on the plastification of specimens. Those phenomena may be explainable in considering the statistical distribution of scissored chain molecular segments as well as the plastification process of plasticizer to polyvinylchloride chain molecules.
