$^{13}C-Nuclear$ Magnetic Resonance of the Phenolic Compounds (I) -A Systematic Evaluation of the Chemical Shifts of the Phenolic Compounds-

Phenol성(性) 화합물(化合物)의 $^{13}C$-핵자기(核磁氣) 공명(共鳴)(I) -Phenol성(性) 화합물(化合物)의 Chemical Shift에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)-

  • 안병준 (서독 Bonn대학교 약학대학)
  • Published : 1977.03.15


$^{13}C-NMR$ behaviors of phenolic compounds such as phenol, catechol, pyrogallol, resorcine, phoroglucine and hydroquinone were studied. From the study on the effects of OH-substitution on benzene and its dervatives it was found that the additivity rule can be applied to the ortho-and para-effect but not to the meta-effect for the OH-function. The empirically calculated chemical shifts regarding the o-and p-effects coincide very well with the results of measurement. The chemical shifts of the phenolic compounds can be classified into three types. 1) Catechol-type C-1 and C-2 145 ppm C-3 and C-6 116-107 ppm 2) Pyrogallol-type C-1 132ppm C-2 and C-6 146ppm C-3 and C-5 106ppm 3) Resorcin-type C-1 and C-3 159ppm C-2 103-95ppm C-4 and C-6 107ppm
