우리나라 형석광상(螢石鑛床)의 유체포유물(流體包有物) 연구(硏究)

Fluid Inclusion Studies of the Fluorite Deposits in Korea

  • 박희인 (서울대학교 자연과학대학 지질학과)
  • 발행 : 1976.03.31


The flourite in Hwacheon, Hwanggangri and Keumsan district are major fluorite producing areas in Korea. The fluorite deposits of Hwacheon district are wholly fissure filling hydrothermal veins embedded in Precambrian gneiss and schists and Jurassic granites. Also some fluorite deposits are emplaced in felsite whose age is unknown. Emplacement of most fluorite veins of the district are controlled by EW fracture system. Fluorites are generally accompanied to chalcedonic quartz and also kaolinite, montmorillonite, dickite and calcite in parts. Vertical and lateral mineral zonings are not distinct. The fluorite deposits in the Hwanggangri district are wholly embedded in limestone and other calcareous sediments of Paleozoic Yeongweol Group. Most of the fluorite deposits belong to one of two categories which are steeply. dipping veins and gently dipping replacement deposits adjacent to Late Cretaceous(83-90mys) granite bodies. The strikes of fluorite veins of Hwanggangri district mostly occupy the fractures of $N30^{\circ}-40^{\circ}E$ and $N30^{\circ}-40^{\circ}W$ system. Fluorites are accompanied to calcite, milky quartz, chalcedonic quartz, and also montmorillonite, kaolinite in parts. But in some deposits, scheelite, various sulfide minerals and barite are accompanied. Emplacement of fluorite deposits are largely controlled by lithology and structures of this district. In some deposits fluorite veins gradate to scheelite veins and also telescoping of the mineral zones are found in this district. In the Keumsan district, fissure-filled fluorite veins and replacement deposits are mostly emplaced in limestone of Paleozoic Yeongweol Group, late Cretaceous quartz-porphyry, granite and sandstone. Some deposits are emplaced in Precambrian metasediments. Mineralogy and other characteristics of the deposits in this district is similar to those of Hwanggangri district. Fluid inclusion studies reveal the difference of salinities, $CO_2$ contents of ore fluid and temperatures during fluorite mineral deposition in the these districts. In Hwacheon district, ore-fluids were comparatively dilute brine and low $CO_2$ content. Filling temperatures ranges $104^{\circ}C$ to $170^{\circ}C$. In the Chuncheonshinpo mine, most deeply exploited one in this district, salinitles range 0.5-2. 2wt. % NaCl and filling temperatures range from $116^{\circ}C$ to $143^{\circ}C$. In the Hwanggangri district, ore fluids were complex and filling temperature ranges very widly. In the contact metasomatic fluorite deposits, ore fluid were NaCl rich brines with moderate $CO_2$ content and filling temperatures range from $285^{\circ}C$ to above $360^{\circ}C$. Fluids inclusions in tungsten and sulfide minerals bearing fluorite veins show high $CO_2$ content up to 31wt. %. Filling temperature ranges from $101^{\circ}C$ to $310^{\circ}C$. Fluids inclusions In mainly fluorite bearing veins were more dilute brine and low $CO_2$ contents. Filling temperatures range from $95^{\circ}C$ to $312^{\circ}C$. Filling temperature of fluid inclusions of Keumsan district are between $95^{\circ}C$ and $237^{\circ}C$. Data gathered from geologic, mineralogic and fluid inclusion studies reveal that fluorite mineralization in H wacheon district proceeded at low temperature with dilute brine and low $CO_2$ content. In Hwangganri district, fluorite mineralization proceeded by several pulse of chemically distinct ore fluids and formed the mineralogically different type of deposits around cooling granite pluton which emplaced comparatively shallow depth.
