주도와 까막섬의 식생

On the Vegetations of Judo and Gamagseum

  • 임양재 (중앙대학교 문리대 생물학과)
  • 발행 : 1976.06.01


A survey was conducted on the vegetation of Judo and Gamagseum in warm temperate zone of Southern Korea. They are covered with natural vegetation, evergreen forest dominated with Castanopsis cuspiadata in Judo and Machilus thunbergii in Gamagseum. Judo is a small island, ca. 1.75 ha, located within the Wando port. Since the flora of Wando including the Judo was reported in 1924, some investigator have reported evergreen trees of Judo. But the list of plant species of Judo is still unavailable. Gamagseum, located at the 15km morth of Judo, is a small island, ca. 1.45 ha, cosisting of two islands, Dae-o-do and So-o-do in low tide, and the report of its flora and any other survery on its is almost none. The vegetatons of Judo and Gamagseum are an example of natural forest vegetation occured rarely in warm temperate zone because of human disturbance in the southern coast zone of the Korean Peninsula. However, the ecological study of those vegetation has not ever been made, and the ecological or plant geographical situations of their vegetation is not clear. To determine the vegetation type, listing of plant species in the islands, calculation of basal area of trees over DBH=4.5cm, Raunkiaer's life form, leaf size class, Pte.-Q and etc., were studied. Total plant species of Judo was 110 species and that of Gamagseum was 99 species. In Judo, Castanopsis cuspidata was 1384 individuals among 2359 individuals over DBH=4.5cm, and in Gamagseum, Machilus thunbergii was remarkably abundant and Castanopsis cuspidata could not be found.
