단위유량도법에 의한 소유역의 계획홍수량 결정

A Determination of Design Flood for a small Basin by Unit Hydrograph Method

  • 윤용남 (본회이사·육사부교수·공박) ;
  • 침순보 (정회원·충북대학전임강사·기술사)
  • 발행 : 1976.12.01


The 30-year design flood hydrograph for the Musim Representative Basin, one of the study basins of the International Hydrological Program, is synthesized by the method of unit hydrograph. The theory of unit hydrograph has been well known for a long time. However, the synthesis of flood hydrograph by this method for a basin with insufficient hydrologic data is not an easy task and hence, assumptions and engineering judgement must be exercized. In this paper, the problems often encountered in applying the unit hydrograph method are exposed and solved in detail based on the theory and rational judgement. The probability rainfall for Cheonju Station is transposed to the Musim Basin since it has not been analyzed due to short period of rainfall record. The duration of design rainfall was estimated based on the time of concentration for the watershed. The effective rainfall was determined from the design rainfall using the SCS method which is commonly used for a small basin. The spatial distribution of significant storms was expressed as a dimensionless rainfall mass curve and hence, it was possible to determine the hyetograph of effective design storm. To synthesize the direct runoff hydrograph the 15-min. unit hydrograph was derived by the S-Curve method from the 1-hr unit hydrograph which was obtained from the observed rainfall and runoff data, and then it was applied to the design hyetograph. The exsisting maximum groundwater depletion curve was derived by the base flow seperation. Hence, the design flood hydrograph was obtained by superimposing the groundwater depletion curve to the computed direct runoff hydrograph resulting from the design storm.
