원자흡광분석법에 의한 규산염중의 알칼리 및 알칼리토금속 정량시의 간섭에 대하여

Some Interference Studies in Alkali and Alkali-Earth Metal Determination of Silicates by Atomic Absorption Spetrophotometry

  • 박순자 (서울대학교 요업공학과)
  • 발행 : 1976.12.01


Mutual interferences of alkali and alkali-earth metals in atomic absorption were examined. For determination of Na or K interfering elements increase the absorbancy, and for Ca or Mg decrease. Since influences of coexisting elements become nearly constant by addition of large amount of same coexisting element, could be use mixed standard solution for alkali or alkali-earth metal determination in the presence of other alkali and alkali-earth metals. The metals can be readily incorporated into scheme of rapid silicate analysis. Precision and accuracy are good.



  1. Am. Mineral. v.53 Direct and rapid determination of alumina and silica in silicate rocks and minerals by atomic absorption spetroscopy A. Katz
  2. Anul. Chem. v.40 A new method for decomposition and comprehensive analysis of silicates by atomic absorption spectrometry B. Bernas.
  3. Anal. Chim. Acta v.43 The analysis of iorganic siliceous materials by atomic absorption spectrophotometry and the hydrofluoric acid decomposition techinique. PartⅠ. The analysis of slilcaterocks F.J. Langmyhr;P.E. Paus
  4. Anal. Chim. Acta v.46 Rapid fusion method for decomposition and comprehensive analysis of silicates by atomic absorption spectrophotometry S.H. Omang
  5. Anal. Chim. Acta v.47 Hydroflvoric acid decomposition-atomic absorption analysis of nine silicate mineral and rock reference samples F.J. Langmyhr;P.E. Paus
  6. Analyst v.94 Scheme of silicate analysis based on the lithium metaborate fusion follwed by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry J.C. Van Loon;C.M. Parissis
  7. Silikattechmk v.20 Ein Schnellverfahren zur Bestimmung von Magnesiumoxyd und Kalzium oxyd in Silikaten mit Hilfe der Atomabsorption G. Maass;G. Diimecke;R. Sauer
  8. Analyst v.95 The comprehensive analysis of coal ash and silicate rocks by atomicabsorption spectrophotometry by a fusion technique P.L. Boar;L.K. Ingram
  9. 工化(日) v.65 原子吸收分光光度法에 依한 Ca 및 K定最時의 共存元素의 영향 武內次夫;鈴木正巳;保田和雄
  10. Spectrochim, Acta v.21 Interences caused by iron and alkalis in the determination of magnesium by atomic absorption spectroscopy R.J. Firman
  11. Anal, Chim. Acta v.41 Some interferences in the atomic absorption spectrophotometry of Calcium C. Rocchiccioli;A. Twonshend
  12. Appl. Spectry. v.20 Interferences assocrated with the determination of calcium by atomic absorption R.E. Dickson;C.M. Johnson
  13. 分析化學(日) v.19 Ca, Mg의 原子吸光分析에서의 燐酸, 黃酸의 干涉 津波古充朝;關戶榮一
  14. 分析化學(日) v.19 珪酸鹽의 原子吸光分析에서의 干涉과 그 揶制 寺島 滋
  15. KS L 3120 내화벽돌의 화학분석방법
  16. JIS R 2212 耐火벽돌의 화학분석방법
  17. ASTM C 323 Standard methods for chemical analysis of ceramic whiteware clays.
  18. 分析化學(日) v.16 原子吸光分析法에 依한 Mg의 定量 및 高純度金屬材料에의 應用 西村耕一;今井照男
  19. Anal. Chem. v.32 A study of atomic absorption spectroscopy. A.C. Menzies