Studies on Grouping of the Varieties by Plant Type and their Ecological Variation for Peanut(Arachis hypogaea L.)

땅콩의 초형을 주로한 품종군분류 및 그들의 생태적 변이에 관한 연구

  • Published : 1975.05.01


To obtain the fundamental informations on the varietal improvement of peanut and to study the ecological variations of the important agronomic traits and to the relationship between the traits studied, an investigation was made on varietal classification of 489 introduced on the basis of their morphological and ecological differences at Crop Experiment Station, Suweon in 1968, and the other study conducted at some location as above in 1969 was to investigate the ecological variations of the materials in accordance with changes of seeding date using classified varietal group under 5 different seeding times from April 16 to July 7 with twenty days interval. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. Peanut varieties tested were classified into Spanish, Virginia Erect, Virginia Runner, Southeast Runner. Valencia and Semirunner, on the basis of plant type, flowering time, number of grains per pod and grain size. 2. Characteristics of varietal group classified are as followings. (1) Spanish; erect, small grained and early maturing type. (2) Virginia Erect; erect, large grained and late flowering type. (3) Virginia Runner; runner, large grained and late maturing type. (4) Southeast Runner; runner, small grained and early maturing type. (5) Valencia; erect, small grained and early flowering type with 3-4 grains per pod. (6) Semi runner; semirunner, large grained and late flowering type. 3. Flowering period in respective varietal group was consistently shorted by delayed seeding date and the degree of shortening was more serious in late flowering varietal group. 4. Number of branches per plant was generally decreased in late seeding date in respective group. However, Spanish and Virginia Runner exhibited lower number of branches in the first seeding rather than the second seeding and the lowest number of branches was found in Spanish while the highest were Virginia Erect in all seeding date. 5. Shelling ratio was high in Spanish and Southeast Runner in any seeding date and decreased remarkedly by seeding after May. 6. Number of pod per plant in all varietal groups was remarkedly decreased by delayed seeding date and the degree of decreasing was more serious in large grain varietal group. 7. The higher pod weight per plant was found in second seeding date rather than first seeding and pod weight per plant was decreased obviously in all late seeding after the second. Therefore, among the cultivars tested, Southeast Runner noted the highest pod weight per plant while Virginia Runner showed the lowest. 8. Grain number per plant expressed the similar tendency as the pod weight per plant but was low in large grain group and high in small grain group in all seeding date employed. 9. 100 grain weight was heaviest in second seeding and was decreased remarkedly after the second and even the first seeding date. 10. Yield per 10a noted considerable variations in accordance with seeding date in all groups classified. However, the yield was increased in second seeding date (May 7) and decreased in the others. 11. Length of main stem and branches were exceptionally decreased in the first seeding date compare to the second in Spanish while other varieties were tend to be same between the indicated seeding date, but. these two traits were strikingly decreased in all seeding after the second. This tendency, however, strongly suggested the importance of environmental effects on peanut growth in terms of their changes due to the different seeding date. 12. Highly significant positive correlations were showed between yield and yield componets such as pod weight per plant, 100 grain weight and the number of grains per plant in all varietal groups except, Virginia Runner. However, the other characters were almost not correlated with yield and differences in correlation coefficients among the seeding dates were found. 13. Path coefficients estimated for yield components to yield was higher in number of grains per plant pod weight per plant and 100 grain weight in terms of direct effect and the other components were negligible in all varietal groups. 14. Heritabilities estimated were generally high in pod number per plant, shelling ratio, 100 grain weights and number of grains per pod and the other traits were relatively low.

땅콩 품종육성의 기초자료와 환경에 대한 변이를 추구하고저 1968년 국내외에서 수집한 489품종을 작물시험장 시험포장에 파종하여 품종군분류를 시도하였으며 1969년에 이들 주요품종군별로 파종기를 4월 16일부터 7월 7일까지 5회 20일간격으로 5회 파종하여 품종군별 파종기에 따른 주요형질의 변이를 조사한바 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 땅콩의 분류는 초형을 주로 하고, 종실의 대소, 개화의 조만, 맥당종실수등을 기준으로 Spanish, Virginia Erect, Virginia Runner, Southeast Runner, Valencia, Semirunnerdm 6개군으로 구분하였다. 2. 품종군별 특징은 다음과 같다. (1) Spanish; 직립, 대립, 만생. (2) Virginia Erect; 직립, 대립, 만생. (3) Virginia Runner; 포복, 대립, 만생. (4) Southeast Runner; 포복, 소립, 조생. (5) Valencia; 직립, 소립, 조생, 맥당 3∼4위. (6) Semirunner; 반립, 대립, 만생. 3. 품종군별 개화일수는 파종기가 지연됨에 따라 전반적으로 단축되었으며 단축정도는 만생군에서 컸다. 4. 분기수는 각파종군 모두 만파일수록 감소하는 경향이나 Spanish와 Virginia Runner는 제1파종기에서 오히려 제2파종기보다 적었으며 각 파종기 모두 Spanish가 가장 적고 Virginia Erect가 가장 많았다. 5. 맥실비율은 각품종군 모두 5월 이후의 파종에서 현저히 감소되었으며 어느 파종기에서나 Spanish와 Southeast Runner가 높았다. 6. 맥당종실수는 어느 품종군에서나 파종기가 늦어짐에 따라 현저히 감소되었으며 소립종군보다는 대립종군에서 맥당종실수가 적었다. 7. 개체당맥실중은 각파종기 모두 제2파종기가 가장 무거웠고 제1파종기도 이보다 가벼웠으며 제2파종기이후의 파종에서는 급격히 감소하였고 각파종기 모두 Southeast Runner가 가장 무겁고 Virginia Runner가 가장 가벼웠다. 8. 개체당종실수는 개체당맥실중과 같은 경향이나 각파종기 모두 대립중에서 적고 소립종에서 많았다. 9. 100립중도 제2파종기이후의 감소는 현저하였으며 제1파종기에서도 제2파종기보다 떨어지는 경향이었다. 10. 10a당 수량에 있어서는 각품종군별 파종기에 따른 변이가 현저하였으며 제2파종기인 5월 7일에서 가장 높고, 기타 파종기에서는 감소정도가 현저하였다. 11. 주경장 분지장에 있어서 Spanish는 제1파종기에서 제2파종기보다 작았으며 기타군은 양파종기간에 비슷하였으나 그 이후 파종기에서는 급격히 감소하였다. 12. 수량과 주요형질의 상관에서 개체당맥수, 100립중, 개체당종실수등이 Virginia Runner이외의 품종군에서 수량과 높은 정의 상관이 있었으며 기타형질의 상관은거의 인정할 수 없었으며 파종기에 따른 상관의 차이가 인정되었다.13. 경로계수 분석에 의한 수량에 대한 직접효과는 모든 품종군별 파종기에서 개체당종실수, 개체당맥중 및 100립중에서 컸으며 기타는 미미하였다. 14. 품종군별 유전력은 전체적으로 개체당맥수, 맥실비율, 100립중, 개체당종실수에서 높았으며 기타가 낮았다.
