벼 수확기계의 적정소요능력 결정을 위한 작업가능 일수의 확률분포 분석

Study on weather Probability for Optimum Scheduling of Rice Harvesting Mechanization.

  • 발행 : 1975.06.01


This paper reports on the analysis of the distributions of probable days being good for mechanical rice harvesting and the method of determining the capacity of rice harvesting machinery for the given harvesting duration. In the analysis of the probability distribution of days being good for rice harvesting, the daily rainfalls above which mechanical field work may be impracticable were specified and their frequency of occurances was analyzed by using the weather records during past twenty-one years measured at five different locations. The conclusions being drawn from the analysis are as follows: 1. The distributions of probable workable days in different region and harvesting duration are very distinct and are different to set a uniform trend (refer to Fig. 1-4). 2. The occurance of probable days being good for mechanical field work under 66% confidence level are quite variable by region and by ten-day period. The analysis indicates that the probable workable days may range from 7.5 to 8.5 days of 10-day span within optimum harvesting duration (refer to Table 1). 3. Based on the probability distributions analyzed, the optimun capacities of harvesting machinery required for different harvesting areas and harvesting start-date were estimated as a function of operating duration (refer to Fig. 5 and Table 2)
