이화명충 (Chilo suppressalis W.)에 대한 벼품종 저항성에 관한 연구

Studies on Varietal Resistance of Rice to Striped Rice Borer, Chilo suppressalis Walker

  • 이정운 (농촌진흥청, 농업기술연구소) ;
  • 박중수 (농촌진흥청, 농업기술연구소) ;
  • 김홍선 (농촌진흥청, 농업기술연구소)
  • Lee Jeang-Oon (Entomology Department, Institute of Agricultural Science, Office of Rural Development) ;
  • Park Joong-Soo (Entomology Department, Institute of Agricultural Science, Office of Rural Development) ;
  • Kim Hong-Sun (Entomology Department, Institute of Agricultural Science, Office of Rural Development)
  • 발행 : 1974.08.01


이화명충(Chilo suppressalis Walker)에 대한 벼 품종별 저항성을 알기 위하여 통일(수원 21교, 진흥, IR747, 수원 229호 등 58개 품종을 공시하여 시험을 하였다. 실내시험에서 유충기간은 품종간 대차없었다. 유충체중은 감수성 품종에서는 34.4mg이었으나 저항성 품종은 18.0mg이었으며 용화율도 저항성 품종에서 높았다. 산난선호성 시험에서는 수원 240호 천추락 등이 낮은 선호성을 보였고 포장조사에서는 Tetep, 망게스 찰 IR747등이 낮은 피해경률을 나타내었다.

Several selected rice varieties Tong-il (Suweon #213-1), Jinheung, IR747, Suweon #229 and so forth were evaluated for their resistance to the striped rice borer, Cltilo suppressalis Walker. The resistance appears to be non-preference and antibiosis in nature. Under laboratory and greenhouse conditions, resistance to striped rice borer was manifested by the low larval weight, percentage of pupation and number of eggs recorded. In the cage test, varieties Suweon #240 and Shenshuraku appeared to be non-preferred by the borer moths for oviposition. Under field condition, variety Tetep received the lowest percentage of infested tillers.
