주곡중의 잔류농약분석에 관한 연구

Comparative Studies on the Analysis of Pesticide Residues. in Rice, Barley and Wheat

  • 박승희 (농촌진흥청 방사선이용연구관실)
  • 발행 : 1974.12.01


산지별로 채취된 쌀, 보리, 밀에 함유된 잔류농약(유기수은제 및 유기감소제)을 Dithizone법과 GLC법으로 비교분석한 바 이에서 얻은 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. Recovery는 유기수은에 있어서 TLC법$93\%$.에 비하여 GLC법$98\%$이 양호했고, 유기감소제는 GLC법으로 평균 약 $93\%$였다. 2. 시료중 유기수은의 잔류수준은 Dithizone법으로 쌀에 있어서 ND-0.053, .보리는 ND-0.051, 밀은 ND-0.033pm이었고, GLC법으로는 쌀은 trace(less than 0.002ppm)-0.036, 보리는 trace-0.030, 밀은 trace-0.025ppm으로 GLC법이 다소 낮은 수치였다. 3. 유기감소제의 잔류수준은 GLC법으로, 쌀에 있어서 BHC(trace-0.0090ppm), DDT(ND-0.0001ppm), Aldrin(trace-0.0032ppm), Heptachlor(race-0.0031ppm), Dieldrin(ND-0.0092ppm), Endrin(ND-0.0057ppm)이었는데, 수은화합물과 모두 공인최대허용량에 월등히 미달되는 안전수준이었다. 4. Column packing은 유기수은분리에는 $10\%$-DEGS/chromosorb-W,A,W., 유기감소제에는 $3\%$-DC-200/chromosorb-W,A.W.,가 적당하였는데, 유기수은제의 injection sample의 조제에 있어서 ?를 겸한 정제와 reduced glutatione에 의한 유출처리는 ghost peak의 소거와 성분 peak의 완전분리에 효과가 컸으며 검출감도도 높았다.

Recenty, the pesticides Pollutions in connection with the maintenance of dietary life are poised as serious sanitary problems. Author have established an appropriate analysis method in this connection and, at the same time, analysed the levels of pesticides residues, such as organochloride pesticides and organic mercurials, contained in main cereals (rice, barley, and wheat) collected throughout the country. Using gas liquid chromatography method, comparative analyses were made of organochloride Pesticides with electron capture detector, and organic mercurials with electron capture detector and the Dithizone Method. As a result, the organic mercurials analysis using gas liquid chromatography is believed to hold out an especially good method for both in terms of its sensitivity and its Practical applications. The summary obtained from these results is as follows; The detectable limit of organochloride pesticides is $5\times10^{-10}$ grams and that of organic mecurials is $5\times10^{-9}$ grams. The detections using the Dithizone Method are difficult. The gas liquid chromatographic analysis of organic mercurials is very simple in its operation and high in its sensitivity, compare with the analysis using the Dithizone Method. Therefore, this analysis is expected to be a good method applicable to the pesticide residues analysis. The levels of pesticide residues contained in samples are very little for tolerance and, therefore, no problem i.: foreseen for eating. The appropriate conditions of gas liquid chromatographic analysis obtained from these results are expected very useful for the date establishing an officially authorized analysis method.
