HF와 Ar 衝突中의 振動-回轉遷移

Simultaneous Vibrational and Rotational Transitions in HF + Ar

  • 신형규 (美國 네바다 州立大學校 化學科)
  • 발행 : 1974.02.28


HF의 振動的 1${\rightarrow}$0 遷移過程에 回轉運動이 重要한 影響을 미친다는 問題를 半古典的 三次元方法으로 硏究하였다. HF의 振動 energy의 大部分이 回轉運動으로 移轉되는 것을 理論的으로 祥細히 計算하였다. 振動 energy가 竝進運動으로 移轉한다는 從來의 理論으로는 HF의 振動的 relaxation 過程을 設明할 수 없음을 指摘하였다.

The importance of rotational transitions in the vibrational deexcitation of HF(1${\rightarrow}$0) in HF+Ar collisions has been investigated by a semiclassical three-dimensional approach. Because of the inclusion of rotational transitions, this study gives vibrational transition probabilities which are very large compared to results of conventional vibration-to-translation energy transfer theories. Currently available experimental studies suggest that this effect is important and has to be included in rigorous calculations.



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