질소 및 토양수분이 대두의 수량형질에 미치는 영향

The Influence of Nitrogen and Soil Moisture Content on Yield Components of Soybeans

  • 발행 : 1974.02.01


1. 질소시비를 하지않은 콩에서 개화기이후의 토양수분부족은 충분한 생육을 한 콩보다 생육일수가 3-4일 단축되었다. 2. 엽면적은 발아후 40일경까지는 처리의 영향이 컸다. 3. 경장 경경 분지수 분지장은 파종후 70일경에 거이 완성되었고 초기생육이 불량한 경우 가장 떨어졌다. 4. 질소 증시가 협수를 증가시키지 못했고 개화기의 토양수분부족은 협수를 심히 감소시켰고 이러한 콩은 분지협보다 주경협이 많았으며 또 다입협율이 높았다. 5. 주경절입별 착입수는 3-4절과 10-12절에 많았다. 3-4절에는 충분한 생육을 한 콩에서 많았고 10-12절에는 빈약한 생육을 한 콩에서 많았다. 6. 1주입수가 적은콩이 백입중은 높았다. 7. 단백질함량은 백입중이 낮은콩(N$_{0}$D$_4$)에서 가장 낮았고 유지는 1주입수가 적은콩에서 낮았다.

This experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of different amount of nitrogen and deficiency of soil moisture on yield components of soybean. Soybean were seeded on 1/2000a wagner pot. Deficiency of soil moisture was treated at each growth atage of soybean. 1.In case of deficiencyt of soil moisture at the flowering time in the plot of non-nitrogen(NO D3), the growth duration of soybean was shortened about three to four days. 2. The leaf area was greatly affected by the influence of both treatments till 49days after germinating. 3.The increase of stem height, stem doameter,number of branches and lengeh of the branches came to an end about 70 days after seeding. These growing condition of tje soybean were lowest the plot of No D$_1$,in which the frowth of the soybeans were poor at the early stage. 4.The number of pods was not increased by the increase of fertilizing nitrogenous fertilizer. The number of pods was much decreased by the influence of soil mousture deiciency, and under this condition, the proportion of main stem pods and two or three grain pods was high. 5.The 3rd and 4h nodes and the 10th to 12th nodes from bottom had more pods than the other nodes had, but of the plants had grown well, they had more pods on the 3rd and 4th nodes, but if the plants had grown poorly, they had more pods on the 10th to 12th nodes. 6.The content of protein in the soybean was low at the plit of N。D$_4$which had not heavy weight of 100 grains, and the content of oil in the soybean was low in the plot in which each plant had a small number of grains.
