추기 중간벌채수확 뽕나무의 아고병방제에 관할 연구

Studies on the Control of Bud Bright of Mulberry Tree when Intermediate-Cutting Harvest in Autumn

  • 발행 : 1974.12.01


본 시험은 추기 중간벌채 뽕밭에 심하게 발생하는 뽕나무 전염병을 방제하기 위해서 실시한 것이며 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 약제방제 가. 1972년도 시험결과 1) 17개 약제 중 균사저지효과, 절교접종법에 의한 약효, 약제의 살균력 등이 가장 컸던 약제는 PTA-B, Benlate 등이었다. 2) Topsin-M, 생장조절제 등은 균사저지효과가 없었다. 9) 약제의 효과는 경시적으로 적어졌으며 PTA-B, Benlate는 처리 15일 후에도 50%의 약효가 지적되었다. 4) 포장시험결과 Benlate, PTA-B+Apion, Apion, PTA-B등이 효과가 좋았다. 5) 약제살포시기간에는 차이가 었었으나 큰 의의가 없었다. 나. 1973년도 시험결과 1) 10개 약제 중 균사저지효과는 RH 893, Benlate+TMTD. TMTD, Benlate, Benla+Topsin-M 순으로 좋았다. 2) 절교접종법에 의한 약효는 Benlate, Benlate+Kinondu. Benlate+Topsin-M, Topsin-M 순으로 좋았다. 3) 서울, 춘천, 부산 3개소의 포장시험결과 Benlate. Topsin-M Apion. TMTB, Benlate+Topsin-M, Benlate+TMTD, Benlate+Apion 등이 효과적이었다. 4) 중간벌채당일, 중간벌채 후 3일, 6일, 10일의 약제철포효과는 대체로 차가 없었다. 2. 생태방제 10월 15일 이후 뽕나무 상단부 1∼2아를 재절단했을 때 아교병의 방제효과는 약제방제효과보다 컸다. 3. 약제방제와 생태방제의 경제분석 1ha당 생태방제비를 100으로 했을 때 약제방제비는 분무기의 종류에 따라서 159∼254이었다.

These studies aimed to establishment of controlling measure of the bud blight of mulberry tree when intermediate cutting harvest in autumn. The results obtained as following. 1. Effect of chemicals a) Results of 1972 (1) Of the seventeen chemicals tested. according to in vitro, the mycelial growth of Gibberella lateritium f. sp. mori was highly inhibited by PTAB and Benlate. PTAB and Benlate were also highly effective under the conditions of pathogen inoculated to the piece of mulberry tree and fungicidal action of these chemicals were stronger than the others. (2) Topsin-M. organic fungicide and plant growth regulator were not effective to inhibition of mycelial growth. (3) The effectiveness of fungicides were reduced gradually as the time after treatment increased. PTAB and Benlate retained approximately 50 percent of the original activity even after 15 days. (t) Of the twelve chemicals tested in fold, Benlate combination of PTAB with Apion, Apion and PTAB were the most effective fungicides for the control of bud blight of mulberry tree. (5) There is a sigificant difference between the timing on spraying, but it is not greatly effective for the control of bud blight of mulberry tree. b) Results of 1975 (1) Of the ten chemicals tested, according to in vitro RH 893, combination of Benlate with TMTD and TMTD were the most effective to inhibition of mycelial growth, followed by Benlate and combination of Benlate with Topsin M. (2) Of the eleven chemicals tested, Benlate, combination of Benlate with Kinondu, combination of Benlate with Topsin-M and Topsin M were highly effective under the renditions of pathogen inoculated to the piece of mulberry tree. (3) Of the eleven chemical evaluation tests were conducted in 3 experiment fold of Seoul, Chuncheun and Pusan, Benlate, Topsin-M, Apion, TMTD. combination of Benlate with Topsin-M, combination of Benlate with TMTD, combination of Benlate with Apion were highly effective chemicals for the control of bud blight of mulberry tree. (4) There is no difference between the timing on the chemical spraying after intermediate cutting harvest mulberry tree in autumn. 2. Ecological Control. When the mulberry shoot were cut off one to two buds from the top of intermediate cutting from 15th to 30th on October, bud blight of mulberry tree was greatly reduced in next spring compared with the effective chemical spraying. 3. Economical analysis on the results of chemical and ecological tests. When the expenses of ecological control for bud blight of mulberry tree per one ha was 100. thats of chemical control was from 159 to 254 according to spraying machines.
