Studies on the Environmental Factors Affecting the Cocoon Crops in Summer and Autumn in Korea

한국의 하추잠작 안정을 위한 환경요인에 관한 연구

  • Published : 1974.12.01


These experiments pertain to various factors influencing the quantitative characters of cocoon crops in summer and early autumn seasons. Initially, in order to establish the possible ways of the silkworm rearing more than three times a year in Korea, the author attempted to get further information about the various factors affecting the cocoon crop in every silkworm rearing season. The trials were conducted eleven times a year at four places for three years. The field trial was conducted with 19 typical sericultural farmers who had been surveyed. At the same time the author statistically analyzed the various factors in close relation to tile cocoon crop in autumn season. The effect of guidance on 40 sericultural farmers was analyzed, comparing higher level farmers with lower level farmers ; and the author surveyed 758 non-guided farmers near the guided farmers during both spring and autumn seasons. In addition, another trial on the seasonal change of leaf quality was attempted with artificial diets prepared with leaves grown in each season. It was found that related factors to cocoon crops in summer and early autumn seasons appeared to be leaf quality, and temperature for young and grown larvae. A 2$^4$ factorial experiment was designed in summer season, and another design with one more level of varied temperature or hard leaf added to a 24 factorial experiment was conducted in early autumn. The experimental results can be summarized: 1. Study on the cocoon crops in the different rearing seasons 1) It was shown that earlier brushing of silkworm generally produced the most abundant cocoon crop in spring season, and earlier or later than the conventional brushing season, especially earlier brushing was unfavorable for the abundant cocoon crop in autumn season. 2) The cocoon crop was affected by the rearing season, and decreases in order of sire with spring, autumn, late autumn, summer and early autumn seasons. 3) It was Proved that ordinary rearing and branch rearing were possibles 4 times a year ; in the 1st, 3rd, 8th, and 10th brushing season. But the 11th brushing season was more favorable for the most abundant cocoon crop of branch rearing, instead of the 10th brushing season with ordinary rearing. 2. Study on the main factors affecting the cocoon crop in autumn season 1) Accumulated pathogens were a lethal factor leading to a bad cocoon crop through neglect of disinfection of rearing room and instruments. 2) Additional factors leading to a poor cocoon crop were unfavorable for rearing temperature and humidity, dense population, poor choice of moderately ripened leaf, and poor feeding techniques. However, it seemed that there was no relationship between the cocoon crop and management of farm. 3) The percentage of cocoon shell seemed to be mostly affected by leaf quality, and secondarily affected by the accumulation of pathogens. 3. Study on the effect of guidance on rearing techniques 1) The guided farms produced an average yearly yield of 29.0kg of cocoons, which varied from 32.3kg to 25.817g of cocoon yield per box in spring versus autumn, respectively. Those figures indicated an annual average increase of 26% of cocoon yield over yields of non-guided farmers. An increase of 20% of cocoon yield in spring and 35% of cocoon yield in autumn were responsible. 2) On guided farms 77.1 and 83.7% of total cocoon yields in the spring and autumn seasons, respectively, exceeded 3rd grade. This amounted to increases of 14.1 and 11.3% in cocoon yield and quality over those of non-guided farms. 3) The average annual cocoon yield on guided farms was 28.9kg per box, based on a range of 31.2kg to 26.9kg per box in spring and autumn seasons, respectively. This represented an 8% increase in cocoon yield on farms one year after guidance, as opposed to non-guided farms. This yield increase was due to 3 and 16% cocoon yield increases in spring and autumn crops. 4) Guidance had no effect on higher level farms, but was responsible for 19% of the increases in production on lower level farms. 4. Study on the seasonal change of leaf quality 1) In tests with grown larvae, leaves of tile spring crop incorporated in artificial diets produced the best cocoon crop; followed by leaves of the late autumn, summer, autumn, and early autumn crops. 2) The cocoon crop for young larvae as well as for grown larvae varied with the season of leaf used. 5. Study on factors affecting the cocoon crops in summer and early autumn A. Early autumn season 1) Survival rate and cocoon yield were significantly decreased at high rearing temperatures for young larvae 2) Survival rate, cocoon yield, and cocoon quality were adversely affected by high rearing temperatures for grown larvae. Therefore increases of cocoon quantity and improvement of cocoon quality are dependent on maintaining optimum temperatures. 3) Decreases in individual cocoon weight and longer larval periods resulted with feeding of soft leaf and hard leaf to young larvae, but the survival rate, cocoon yield and weight of cocoon shell were not influenced. 4) Cocoon yield and cocoon quality were influenced by feeding of hard leaf to grown larvae, but survival rate was not influenced by the feeding of soft leaf and hard leaf. 5) When grown larvae were inevitably raised at varied temperatures, application of varied temperature in the raising of both young and grown larvae was desirable. Further research concerning this matter must be considered. B. Summer season 1) Cocoon yield and single cocoon weight were decreased at high temperatures for young larvae and survival rate was also affected. 2) Cocoon yield, survival rate. and cocoon quality were considerably decreased at high rearing temperatures for grown larval stages.

우리나라의 다회육 육잠체계를 확립하기 위해서 하추잠작을 안정시키기 위한 각종 요인 및 동요인이 실용형질에 미치는 경향을 구명코저 실시한 수개시험중 사육시기별 잠작에 관한 시험에서는 우선 우리나라에서 3회육 이상의 다회육을 할 경우 사육시기별 잠작의 정도를 구명코저 연간 11기를 4개장소, 3개년에 걸처 실시하였고, 결과에서 하추잠작이 불량했던 원인을 알고저 실시한 양잠농가의 추잠작 불안정 요인시험에서는 우리나라 전형적인 양잠농가로 추정되는 19호에 대한 주재 관찰조사 및 실험분석을 통한 실제의 불작요인을 조사하였다. 동조사에서 지적된 불작요인을 개선할 경우의 효과를 알고저 실시한 육잠기술 지도효과에서는 춘추 연40개 농가에게 불작요인을 개선 지도하였을 때 얻어지는 지도효과를 지도전년, 지도당년, 지도후년, 육잠기술 상, 하위 농가 및 춘추별로 인근 춘추 연758농가를 대조로 비교분석 하였다. 이상에서 간제되는 상엽질의 계절적 변화 추이를 알고저 시기별로 채취한 상엽분말을 동일시기 인공사료육을 통해서 양부의 판정을 시도하였고 이상에서 가장 큰 문제점으로 대두된 영양 및 온도조건이 하, 초추잠작에 있어서 누에 계량형질에 미치는 정도를 알고저 하잠시험에서는 치, 장잠별 엽질과 온도 등 4개요인을 하, 초추잠시기의 양부조건 2개수준(2$^4$), 초추잠시험에서는 하잠과 같은 4개요인에 변온 혹은 경엽구 1개수준을 추가한 3개수준(3$^4$)의 요인시험으로 실시했다. 이상에서 얻어진 시험들의 결과를 종합 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 사육시기별 잠작에 관한 시험 1)잠작의 일반적 경향은 춘잠은 소잠이 빠를수곡 양호하였으며 추잠은 관행소잠시기를 정점으로 하여 그 시기로부터 빠르거나 늦어질수록 점차로 불량하나, 빠를수록 급격하게 불량하다. 2) 우리나라의 잠기별 잠작은 춘(1~4기), 추(7~10기), 만추(11기), 하(5기) 초추(6기)잠 순으로 불량하였다. 3) 잠작과 영역접배를 고려한 다회 보통육은 1, 3, 8, 10기 등 4회육이 적합하고 조상 4회육은 10기 대신에 11기 대치로 무난하다. 2. 양잠농가의 추잠작 불안정 요인시험 1) 양잠농가의 수견량을 지배한 치명적인 요인은 잠실 잠구의 소독불충분에 의한 병원축적이며 2) 이차적 요인은 사육온습도 관리불량, 배게치기, 적숙엽 선정기술 불량 및 결상총과소 등이며 잠작과 경영구 요소는 관련이 없는것 같다. 3) 견층비율에는 뽕의 엽질이 가장 크게 영향되고, 다음으로 통원누적으로 인한 누에의 건강도에 영향한 것 같다. 3. 육잠기술 지도효과 1) 지도농가의 상자당 수견량 춘잠기 32.3kg, 추잠기 25.8kg으로서 대조 농가보다 각각 20%, 35%가 증수되어 연평균 29.0kg으로서 26%의 증수를 실증하였다. 2) 지도농가의 3등견 이상의 고치는 춘잠기 77.1%, 추잠기 83.7%로서 대조농가보다 각각 14.3%, 11.3%가 많았다. 3) 지도농가의 지도후년도의 상자당 수견중은 춘잠기 31.2kg, 추잠기 26.9kg, 연평균 28.9kg으로서 대조농가보다 각각 3%. 16%, 8%가 증수되였으므로 이는 기술지도의 잔류효과로 인정하였다. 4) 기술수준에 따른 잔류효과는 기술수준 상위농가는 0% 하위농가는 19%이었다. 4. 상엽질의 계절적 변화추이 1) 장잠기 상엽을 주재로 한 인공사료육의 결과는 춘> 만추≒하>추≒> 초추의 순으로 우수했다. 2) 치잠기 상엽을 주재로한 인공사료육의 결과는 춘, 만추, 추, 하, 초추 순위의 경향을 보였으나 유의차는 인정되지 않았다. 5. 하추잠작 흉작 요인시험 1) 초추잠 (1) 치잠기의 고온은 생존율과 수견량을 크게 감소케 한 요인이 었으며, (2) 장잠기의 온도는 고온순으로 생존율, 수견량 및 견질을 저해하였다. 따라서 장잠기의 적온유대가 양과 질의 양면에서 중요함이 인정되었다. (3) 치잠기 연엽과 경엽은 단견중을 다소 가볍게 하고 경과일수를 크게 연장케 하였으나 생존률, 수견량 및 견층중 등에는 영향을 미치지 않았다. (4) 장잠기의 경엽은 수량과 특히 견질을 크게 저해 하였으나 연엽, 경엽 모두 생존률에는 영향을 미치지 않았다. (5) 장잠기 온도를 변온으로 하였을 경우 치잠기 온도도 변온으로 한 것이 유리한 경향을 보였는바 평강한 문제는 금후 검토되어져야 할 것이다. 2)하 잠 (1) 치잠기의 고온은 수견량과 단견중을 크게 감소케하였으며 다음으로 생존율을 저해하였다. (2) 장잠기의 고온은 수견량, 생존율 및 견질을 크게 저해하였다.
