On the Problems of Labor Management in the Adjacent Seas Fishing Industries

어업노무관리에 관한 조사연구 - 근해어업을 중심으로

  • Published : 1974.12.01


This is the report of a study carried out during the months of April to July in 1974, on the fisheries in regard to its labor management. At here the word of adjacent seas fisheries in Korea denotes the fisheries carried out by fishing boats for one or two boats trawling, purse seinning, shrimp trawling, and whale catching. For the objective of this above study the auther randomly selected 257 crew-members for the questionaires and direct interviews and, with this method, proceeded surveys and investigations on the following factors such as the organization and its functions, personel administration in regard to placement and merit system, regulations and rules of working, wages and salaries, welfare facilities or considerations, safety and sanitation, human relations within organization and cooperation, and thus covered the whole important factors with the modern management system. The results of the studies are; The factors above the standard level are only on those of organization and functions, merit system and placement and human relations and for the rest the judgement are to be laid as below the standard level. And particularly revealing the problems on the following factors; 1) Wages and salary particulary on the payment upon laid out, and the payment of wages in advance. 2) Welfare facilities such as of the insurance and crew members' welfare for the good use of leisure time. 3) Placement and merit system in regard to ite method of appointing or empioying 4) Regulations and rules of working in regard to the vacation or leave of absence. 5) Safety problem particularly on the matter of sanitation or hygene. 6) Coopertion on the matter of participation on the interested problems on both parties. The above points indicated are, methinks, all derived out of the out dated method of management. Therefore, for the improvement of the labor management, first of all, nothing is more urgent than to adopt the modern labor management method as well as to encourage and enlighten the social responsibilities burdened on the enterprise.
