Preparation of Leaf Epidermal Surfaces for Microscopic Examination

균류의 프레파라아트제작의 한 방법으로서 접착제의 이용

  • Published : 1974.09.01


A small amount of Duco cement or Elmer's clear cement was dropped on a slide glass and immediately spread with a glass rod or woden stick a thin film on the surface. After approximately 1 minute a small amount of rubber cement was spread on the top of the film of Duco cement using the same method as described earlier. It was important that the rubber cement be smeared before the Duco cement dried out. These two kinds of cements must not be mixed. It was better to make the film of the rubber cement slightly thicker than the film of Duco cement. This composite film may be used up to several months after preparation. The sample leaf was placted on the slide, prepared with adhesive and the leaf surface was passed on the film with the thumb. The pressing was done so the leaf surface was completely in contact with the film. Then the leaf was peeled from the slide.
