Studies on the carotenoids in the viscera of abalone (Haliotis discus hannai)

전복(Haliotis discus hannai) 내장(內臟)의 Carotenoid에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

  • Ahn, Seung-Yo (Dept. of Food and Nutrition, College of Home Economics, Seoul National University)
  • 안승요 (서울대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 1974.12.31


The studies on the carotenoids in the viscera of abalone (Haliotis discus hannai) have been-carried out. The pigments were extracted with acetone-methanol mixture (4 : 1) from the viscera of abalones which were caught around the coastal water of Korea from March to August. The individual carotenoid in the extracts was separated and purified by the silica gel TLC, $Mg(OH)_2$ impregnated paper chromatography and $Mg_2(OH)_2CO_3$ TLC. The isolated eleven carotenoids were investigated and identified by epoxide test, partition test, reduction with sodium borohydride, alkaline hydrolysis, co-chromatography and comparative test with reference carotenoids and electronic and IR absorption spectrophotometry. ${\alpha}$-Carotene, ${\beta}$-carotene. lutein, zeaxanthin, siponaxanthin, siponein, fucoxanthin, loroxan-thin-like and fucoxanthinol-like have been identified among the eleven carotenoids isolated. It has been found that fucoxanthin, on alkaline treatment, was transformed to the product of which chromophore was the same one as fucochrome and semifucoxanthol. Among the identified nein carotenoids siphonaxanthin, siponein, fucoxanthin, loroxanthin-like and fucoxanthinol-like have not been reported previously to be contained in the shellfish.

전복(Haliotis discus hannai) 내장(內臟)에 함유(含有)되어있는 carotenoid에 관(關)하여 시험(試驗)하였다. 우리나라 근해단(近海岸)에서 채취(探取)된 전복의 내장(內臟)을 acetone-methanol (4 : 1) 혼합용매(混合溶媒)로 추출(抽出)하고 이 추출액중(抽出液中)의 carotenoid를 silica gel TLC, $Mg(OH)_2$ 여과지(濾過紙) chromatography 및 $Mg_2(OH)_2CO_3$ TLC에 의하여 분리정제(分離精製)하였다. 분리정제(分離精製)한 11종(種)의 carotenoid에 대(對)하여 epoxide test, partition ratio 측정(測定), $NaBH_4$에 의한 환원(還元), 알카리처리(處理), 표준(標準) carotene와 비교시험(比較試驗), electronic absorption spectrophotometry, 및 infrared spectroscopy 등(等) 여러가지 시험(試驗)은 하였다. 확인(確認)된 carotenoid는 ${\alpha}$-carotene, ${\beta}$-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, siphonaxanthin, siphonein fucoxanthin, loroxanthin 유사물(類似物) 및 fucoxanthinol 류이물등(類似物等) 9종(種)이며 이 밖에 2종(種)의 미량(微量) carotenoid는 확인(確認)되지 못했다. fucoxanthin은 특(特)히 KOH처리(處理)에 의하여 fucochrome이나 semifucoxanthol과 동일(同一)한 chromophore를 갖는 산물(産物)로 변환(變換)됨을 발견(發見)하였다. 전복 내장(內臟)에서 확인(確認)된 색소(色素)들 가운데siphon-axanthin, siphonein, fucoxanthin, loroxanthin 유사물(類似物) 및 fucoxanthinol 유사물(類似物) 등은 지금까지 패류(見類)에서 발견(發見)되었다는 보고(報告)가 없다.
