잣나무의 재질(材質)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (제(第)2보(報)) -수간(樹幹)의 구조적(構造的) 형질(形質)-

Studies on Wood Quality of Pinus koraiensis Sieb. et Zucc. (II) -On the Gross Structural Features of Stem -

  • 투고 : 1972.11.16
  • 발행 : 1973.03.30


잣나무 인공단순림(人工單純林)에서 수간(樹幹)의 세장도(細長度)와 편심도(偏心度)를 조사(調査)한바, 우세목(優勢木)의 수간직경(樹幹直徑)과 지상고(地上高)는 대략 평행적 관계이고 지상고(地上高)가 낮은 부위(部位)는 편심(偏心)의 정도(程度)가 $R_1$방향(方向)으로 심하고 수목(樹木)의 심재(心材)는 비대생장(肥大生長)이 심(甚)할수록 크다.

A study on the wood quality from planted Pinus koraiensis Sieb. et Zucc. has been undertaken by the University Forest in order to gain results of the gross structural features of stem. For this study some groups of trees were felled and several characteristics such as the degree of stem, slenderness, eccentric growth, heartwood diameter, height of butt sweep and butt-swell were analyzed. The results of the study are as follows. 1) The relation between diameter of log and its height in sample trees are nearly parallel to each other. But their degrees of slenderness in logs cut from intermediate and codominant trees are some what gentle as compared with that of logs from dominant tree. 2) The eccentric growth at transverse section of sample trees is generally decreased with the increase of tree height on all sample trees. 3) On the eccentric growth at transverse section of tree, a rather distinct tendency was noticed that all of sample trees showed the direction of eccentric growth in $R_2$ side. 4) Heartwood diameter appeares to become larger as tree growth decrease under same diameter of logs and log diameter in which heartwood appeares is larger in rapid growth rate trees. 5) The maximum height of butt-sweep generally shows that the larger the breast height diameter of tree is, the smaller its height becomes. On the contrary it was noticed that the larger the breast height diameter of trees, the higher the maximum height of butt-swell became. The direction of butt-sweep and butt-swell were shown in $R_1$ side in all sample trees.
