낙동강 하구수역의 영양염류와 유기현탁물질

Nutrients and Suspended Organic Particulates in the Estuary of NakDong River

  • 최상 (한국과학기술연구소) ;
  • 정태화 (한국과학기술연구소)
  • 발행 : 1972.06.01


낙동강은 유로연장 525km, 유역면적 23,852$\textrm{km}^2$에 달하는 남한 제1의 하천수계를 이루고 있고, 그 수원은 멀리 강원도 삼척군 삼장면 함백산에서 이루어져, 많은 지류수가 합류되어 경남 김해군 명지면과 부산시 서구를 거쳐 남해의 동부해역으로 유입된다. 하구일대는 우리나라에서도 굴지의 해태어장이 형성되고, 인근해역에서는 많은 어패류가 생산된다. 낙동강 하구수역의 수질에 관해서는 원(1964)이 간헐지 수질의 연간변화에 관한 조사가 이루어졌고, 또 원(1970)은 가덕도와 용원리 사이의 해역에서 3월 17-23일에 걸친 조석에 따른 영양염조사를 보고하였고, 최 외(1970)는 낙동강 하구일대의 해태어장개발을 목적으로 한 영양염, 유기현탁물, 조석류, 저질 등에 관한 일련의 결과를 보고하고 있다.

Seasonal changes in nutrients and suspended organic particulates were measured in the estuary of Nak-dong River in relation to the black laver bed. Monthly measurements of water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, nutrients ( $NH_4$-N, $NO_2$-N, $NO_3$\-N, $PO_4$-P and $SiO_2$-Si) and organic suspended particulates (organic carbon and nitrogen) were determined at five stations from February through December, 1970. PH varied 7.6-8.4 with an average of 8.0, and percent saturation of dissolved oxygen were 71-147% with an average of 100.8%. Studies gave evidence that Nak-dong River estuary is strongly enriched with nutrients. Concentrations of nutrients were: 0.13-12.54 ${\mu}g$-atoms/${\iota}$ (averaging 1.63 ${\mu}g$-atoms/${\iota}$) for $NH_4-N$, 0.12-2.09 ${\mu}g$-atoms/${\iota}$ (averaging 0.71 ${\mu}g$-atoms/${\iota}$) for $NO_2-N$, 3.46-56.79 ${\mu}g$-atoms/${\iota}$ (averaging 21.54 ${\mu}g$-atoms/${\iota}$) for $NO_3$-N, 4.04-57.90 ${\mu}g$-atoms/${\iota}$ (averaging 23.79 ${\mu}g$-atoms/${\iota}$) for total soluble nitrogen, 0.18-5.05 ${\mu}g$-atoms/${\iota}$ (averaging 0.96 ${\mu}g$-atoms/${\iota}$) for $PO_4$-P, and 18.33-133.29 ${\mu}g$-atoms/${\iota}$ (averaging 71.57 ${\mu}g$-atoms/${\iota}$) for $SiO_2$-Si, respectively. These nutrient levels were considerably higher compare with other productive laver beds of Wan do and Pyung-il Do in Korea or Ise Bay in Japan. Concentrations of suspended organic particulates varied 55-648 ${\mu}g/{\iota}$ (averaging 392 ${\mu}g/{\iota}$) with organic carbon, 30-155 ${\mu}g/{\iota}$ (averaging 92 ${\mu}g/{\iota}$) with organic nitrogen, and its carbon-nitrogen ratios were varied within 1.5-8.4 with an average of 4.6.



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  2. An introduction to optical dating Aitken, M.J.
  3. Radiation Measurements v.27 Luminescence techniques: instrumentation and methods Botter-Jensen, L.
  4. Nucl. Tracks Radiat. Meas v.18 Equivalent dose determination of single aliquots Duller, G.A.T.
  5. Archaeometry v.12 Thermoluminescence dating: refinement of the quartz inclusion method Fleming, S.J.
  6. Radiation Measruements v.26 Equivalent dose determination using only one aliquot: alternative analysis of data obtained from infra red stimulation of feldspars Galloway, R.B.
  7. Ancient TL v.14 Concerning the normalization of additive dose ?optically stimulated luminescence data from quartz Galloway, R.B.;D.G. Hong
  8. Estuarine Research 2 Morphology of sand accumulation in estuaries Hayes, M.O.;Cronin, L.E.
  9. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics v.39 Additive dose single and multiple aliquot methods of equivalent dose determination compared for quartz luminescence stimulated by green light. Hong, D.G.;Galloway, R.B.;T. Hashimoto
  10. A primer on sediment-trace element chemistry Horowitz, A.J.
  11. Nature v.313 Optical dating of sediments Huntley, D.J.;Godfrey-Smith, D.I.;M.L.W. Thewalt
  12. Geology v.21 Optical dating using inclusions within quartz grains Huntley, D.J.;Hutton, J.T.;J.R. Prescott
  13. Quaternary Science Reviews v.7 Optical dating : K-feldspar optical response stimulation spectra Hutt, G.;Jaek, I.;J. Tchonka
  14. J. sed. Petrol v.34 Comparison of sediments from Bay of Fundy and Dutch Waden Sea tidal Flats Klein, G.de.V.;J.E. Sanders
  15. Ancient TL v.9 Removal of the thermally unstable signal in optical dating of K-feldspar Li, S.H.
  16. Quaternary Geochronology v.13 Procedures used for luminescence dating of sediments Mejdahl, V.;H.H. Christiansen
  17. Can. J. earth Sci v.31 Luminescence dating of sediments from Buctouche Spit Ollerhead, J.;Huntley, D.J.;G.W. Berger
  18. Korea Geol. Soc v.20 no.3 Holocene sea level history in the Yellow Sea Park, Y.A.;A.L. Bloom
  19. PACT v.8 contribution of cosmic radiation to environmental dose Prescott, J.R.;L.G. Stephan
  20. Radiation Measurements v.27 Sediment dating by luminescence:a review Prescott, J.R.;G.B. Robertson
  21. Radiation Measurements v.23 Recuperation of IRSL after bleaching and consequences for dating young sediment Rees-Jones, J.;M.S. Tite
  22. Radiation Protection Dosimetry v.34 Archaeological dating by infrared stimulated luminescence using a diode array Spooner, N.A.;Aitken, M.A.;Smith, B.W.;Franks, M.;C. McElroy
  23. Radiation Measurements v.27 Luminescence dating: laboratory procedures and protocols Wintle, A.G.
  24. Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics v.4 The radiation-induced increase of thermoluminescence sensitivity of fired quartz Zimmerman, J.