고추잠자리 複眼의 電子顯微鏡的 構造

Ultrastructures of the Compound Eye in Dragonfly, Crocothemis servilia Drury

  • 백경기 (연세대.이공대.생물학과) ;
  • 최춘근 (연세대.이공대.생물학과) ;
  • 신길상 (연세대.이공대.생물학과)
  • Paik, Kyong Ki (Dept. of Biology, Yonsei University) ;
  • Choi, Choon Keun (Dept. of Biology, Yonsei University) ;
  • Shin, Kil Sang (Dept. of Biology, Yonsei University)
  • 발행 : 1972.09.01


고추잠자리 複眼의 망막의 미세구조가 전자현미경적으로 연구되었다. 個眼의 綱膜層을 이루고 있는 細胞의 數는 모두 8個이나, 이는 綱膜層에 따라 그 수를 달리한다. 따라서 綱膜細胞의 수에 의해 망막층은 三分되며, 中間層의 基部綱膜細胞는 부근의 두 感桿體를 연결하고 있다. 세 개의 感桿體가 서로 $120^{\circ}$의 각도를 갖고, 융합되어 이루어진 감간체는 횡단면에서 삼각형을 이루고 있으며 絨毛突起는 外心을 둘러싸고 전자밀도가 다른 두 부분으로 나누어진다. 전자밀도가 약한 내부 絨毛突起는 세포질과 서로 通하고 있다. 粗面小胞體는 綱膜세포의 端部에서 空胞와 연결되고 있으며 수많은 미토콘드리아는 세포의 中間部位에 산재되어 있다. 圓錐晶體는 4個의 圓錐세포로서 구성되며 주위에는 많은 색소세포가 존재한다.

Fine structures of retina of an ommatidium in dragonfly, having eyes of closed rhabdom type, were studied under light and electron microscopes. The ommatidia consisted of eight retinular cells distributed in a circular pattern and the retinular layer in turn can be divided into three sublayers according to the number of cells in the retina. Each retinular cell has different starting points in the retina and the length of retinular cells is varied greatly; the length of one distal retinular cell shows one half of that of others. In the middle layer, three proximal retinular cells interconnect the adjacent two rhabdoms which are triangular in the appearence of the cross section which in turn consisted of tubular, parallel and lamellated microvilli. The rhabdom is formed by three rhabdomeres, each of which is separated by $120^{\circ}$ between them, but they can be distinguished into two parts according to electron density. Around the outer part of microvilli composing rhabdom, electron density was much less than the inner part of the structure. The microvilli of the inner part appear to be connected to the cytoplasm of retinular cells. Rough endoplsmic reticulum with enlarged cisternae runs through the vacuoles in the outer part of distal retinular cells. Abundant mitochondria concentrated in the vicinity of rhabdom are found at the central part of the retinular cells, while in the area of immediate vicinity of the rhabdom, prominent vacuoles are observed. Above the rhabdom of an ommtidium stands a crystalline cone which is consisted of four cone cells arranged radially along the axis. The crystalline cone is surrounded by cells containing pigment granules. The outermost photoreceptor element of an ommatidium is corneal lens.
