The Comparative Experiment of Some Artificial Treat methods of Silkworm Eggs

다회육을 위한 잠종의 인공처리법 비교시험

  • Published : 1971.12.01


Today most of farmers rear the silkworms two time a year, spring and autumn (Fig. 1). But from now on, we can rear whenever mulberry tree is grown, and it is expected that we can rear many times (Fig.2). Because the silkworm eggs can not always be hatched, we have to study a special method for rearing many times a year. The writer, in these problems, hatched the silkworm eggs from the beginning of June to the beingning of September, once every 10 days, and reard 10 times. The results are as follows; 1) The silkworm eggs for the beginning and middle of June have no difference between the double cooling method and the single cooling method. But the eggs for the end of June in the double cooling method is better. 2) For the silkworm eggs for the middle of July, the cooling method after acid treatment for eggs is better. 3) For the silkworm eggs for the end of July, the reeling method after acid treatment is better. But it is needed to study the short artificial treatment. 4) For the eggs for the beginning of August, the further study of the short artificial treatment is also needed. 5) For the eggs for the middle of August, after cooling treatment is better. The short artificial treatment is possible for them. But further study is needed. 6) For the eggs for the beginning of September, after cooling treatment is needed for further study.

년간 누에의 다회육을 하는 경우 어떠한 잠종을 어떻게 처리하여서 여기에 응할 수 있겠는가 하는 시험을 6월 상순부터 9월상순까지 매일 매일마다 처리한 잠종에 대하여 조사한 결과 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1) 6월 상, 중순에 사육한 잠종은 복식냉장법과 단식냉장법과에서 차이가 없었으나, 6월 하순용 잠종은 복식냉장법이 양호하였다. 2) 7월 중순용 잠종은 즉침산냉장법이 양호하였다. 3) 7월 하순용 잠종은 즉침산냉장법이 양호하였으나 단기인공처리법에서는 재검토를 요한다. 4) 8월 하순용 잠종은 단기인공처리법으로서는 더욱 검토하여야 하고 또한 다른 방법을 강구하여야 하겠다. 5) 8월 중순용 잠종은 냉침법이 양호하나, 단기인공처리법도 가능성이 있어 앞으로 검토를 요한다. 6) 9월 상순용은 종래와 같은 냉침법이 양호하고, 또 냉침법은 앞으로 검토를 요한다.
