장수허리노린재(Anoplocnemis dallasi Kiritschenko)의 成長分析

An Analytical Study on the Growth of Anoplocnemis dallasi Kiritschenko

  • 박상옥 (경북대 대학원) ;
  • 이창언 (경북대 문리대 생물학과)
  • Park, Sang Ock (Graduate School, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Lee, Chang Eon (Dept. of Biology, Kyungpook National University)
  • 발행 : 1971.09.01


장수허리노린재(Anoplocnemis dallasi Kiritschenko)의 第1齡 幼蟲(50個體)부터 成蟲까지(各 70個體씩)에서 얻은 實測値를 定式化하여 成長 및 相對成長을 分析 觀察한 結果 다음과 같은 結論을 얻었다. $\circled1$ 成長量 : 口吻이 가장 緩慢한 直線狀 增加를 하고 그 外는 모두 急激한 抛物線狀 增加를 나타내며 體長, 後脚, 中脚, 前脚, 觸角, 前胸背板의 幅, 口吻의 順으로 體長이 가장 急激하게 增加한다. $\circled2$ 成長比 : 口吻의 增加率 3.054倍가 가장 적으며 直線狀 增加를 나타내고 그 外는 모두 抛物線狀 增加를 보이며 前胸背板의 幅의 增加率 8.186倍가 가장 크다. $\circled3$ 各 齡別成長比 : 가장 큰 成長比는 若齡 幼蟲쪽에 있으며 가장 적은 成長比는 老齡 幼蟲쪽에 있다. $\circled4$ 成長率 : 觸角의 그것이 減少되었으며 그 外는 모두 增加되었다. $\circled5$ 比成長率 : 觸角이 가장 急하게 減少되었으며 前脚, 口吻, 後脚, 中脚의 順으로 緩慢해졌고 前胸背板의 幅과 體長은 上昇되다가 減少되었다. $\circled6$ 相對成長係數($\alpha$)는 위의 모든 部位에 對해서 前胸背板의 幅의 그것이 항상 가장 强한 優成長이었고 口吻은 가장 弱한 劣成長이었다. $\circled7$ 對 體長, 對前胸背板의 幅, 對觸角, 對口吻, 對前脚, 對中脚, 對後脚 相對成長에서 各 部分의 相對成長係數($\alpha$)는 同一한 樣式(順序)을 나타낸다. $\circled8$ 相對成長係數 $\alpha$가 增加하면 相對成長 初量 b가 減少하는 傾向을 나타내며 그 逆도 成立한다. $\circled9$ 劣成長일 境遇는 成長中心이 若齡基에 있고 優成長일 境遇는 老齡基에 있다.

This study was initiated to observe the growth of the lengths of the body, the antenna, the rostrum, the fore leg, the middle leg, the hind leg and the width of pronotum in the postembryonic development of Anoplocnemis dallasi. The specimens measured were fifty in the first instar larva and seventy for each instar from the second instar larva to adult stage. The authors applied the growth formula and the relative growth formula to analyse the changing pattern of the growth of each part. In this paper, having applied the formulae the y=a+bt+$ct^2$ for the absolute growth and $y=bx^{\alpha}$ for the relative growth, we obtained the following results: $\circled1$ The growth quantity: The rostrum shows the slowest, straight increase, but the other shows the curving increase. The body, the hind leg, the middle leg, the fore leg, the antenna, the width of pronotum and the rostrum are systematically slow. $\circled2$ The ratio of the growth quantity: The increase rate of the rostrum shows the straight, while the other shows the curving patterns. The largest value is the increase rate of the width of pronotum (8.816 times) and the smallest one is the rostrum (3.054 times). $\circled3$ The growth ratio for each instar: The maximal ratio of the growth quantity is in the young instar larva, but the minimal one is in an advanced instar larva. $\circled4$ The growth rate: The antenna shows a decrease pattern, while the other an increase pattern. $\circled5$ The specific growth rate: The rates of the antenna, the for leg, the rostrum, the hind leg and the middle leg show a decrease pattern. In the width of pronotum and the body, they increase in the terms of the young instar larva and they increase later. The antenna shows the most rapid decrease, and the fore leg, the rostrum, the hind and the middle leg are slow in order. $\circled6$ The "$\alpha$" of the width of pronotum shows the strongest positive allometry, but the rostrum shows the weakest negative allometry to all parts. $\circled7$ The coefficient of the relative growth of each part shows a parallel fashion in the relative growth to body length, to width of pronotum, to antenna, to rostrum, to fore leg, to middle leg and to hind leg. $\circled8$ If the coefficient of the relative growth, the growth ratio ($\alpha$) increase, the initial growth index (b) is disposed to decrease and vice versa. $\circled9$ The growth center is in the terms of the young instar larva in case of the negative allometry, but it is in the terms of an advanced instar larva in case of the positive allometry.
