흰불나방의 성유인과 Trap형에 관한 연구

Field Studies on the Sex Attraction of the Fall Webworm Moths(Hyphantria cunea D.) and the Development of Sex-Attractant Trap

  • Choi Seung Yoon (College of Agriculture, Seoul National University) ;
  • Song Yu Han (College of Agriculture, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 1970.10.01


흰불나방의 성간성유인, Trap형의 개발, 일영에 따른 성유인의 변화, 교미후 성유인력의 감퇴 및 유인시각들에 관한 실험을 행하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 암놈에 대해서 숫놈은 유인되나 숫놈에 대하여 암놈은 유인되지 않았다. 2. Trap A형(직경 10cm, 높이 11.5cm원통형분유통 양쪽에 직경 4.8cm의 둥근 구멍을 만들고 통내부에 토양점차제를 바른것) 이 가장 유인효과가 좋았다. 3. 암놈의 성유인력은 우화후 4일까지 계속되나 1-2일에 가장 유인력이 컸으며 일영이 진행됨에 따라 유인력이 감소하였다. 우화후 2일까지 전체 유인율은 $84.2\%$이었다. 4. 교미후 암놈의 성유인력은 급격히 감소하는데 그 유인율은 미교미한 암놈 $80.5\%$에 대하여 교미한 것은 $19.5\%$에 불과하였다. 5, 흰불나방의 성유인은 오전 3-7시에 일어나는데 유인최성시각은 오전 4-6시로서 약 $98\%$가 이 시각에 유인되었다.

This study was conducted to find out the evidence of a sex attraction in the fall webworm moths, Hyphantria cunea D., in the fold conditions. The study dealt with the sex attraction between the sexes, selection of effective trap type, effect of moth age on the sex attractiveness, sex attractiveness after copulation, and the time of the sex attraction in the day, The trap was baited with a living moth in the cylindrical screened case 4cm. in long and 2.7cm in diameter. The traps were attached on the tree in a horizontal position at the height of about 3m. on the ground. A sex pheromone was evident in the female moth which attracted the male to the lure, and the modified sticky trap was most effective in this experiment. The trap consisted of a cylindrical powder milk can 11.5cm. in long and 10cm. in diameter with the entry hole 4.8cm, in diameter at both ends of the can, and the inside of can was lined with paper coated with acri-soil(sodium poliacrilate) to catch them. Males were mostly attracted to females during their first 2 days of life, and its attractiveness decreased with moth age, No males were attracted to females more than five days old, and no females lived for more than six days. After copulation, sexual attractiveness was decreased swiftly, Sexual attractiveness was found to be greatest between 4 and 6 A.M. Living females can be used as effective baits for luring the males to the fold trapt.
