사과 탄저병 방제약제의 지속성 및 전착제$\cdot$살충제 혼용의 효과

Retention, Tenacity and Effect of Insecticides in the Fungicidal Control of Apple Bitter Rot

  • 정후섭 (서울대학교 농과대학 농생물학과)
  • Chung Hoo Sup (Dept. of Agricultural Biology, College of Agriculture,Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 1970.10.01


1. "과피원판저지대법"으로 사과 탄달병 방제약제의 지속성, 전착제 및 살충제혼용의 효과를 검정하였다. 2. 살균제를 뿌린 후 시일이 경과할 수록 살균력은 줄었다. 공시 약제 중에서 Difolatan의 약효가 가장 컸으며 15일 후에도 $60\%$의 살균력이 있었고 그 다음은 Tuzet, Phaltan, 보르도액 , Delan의 순위였다. 3. 인공강우량이 많을수록 Tozet의 약효는 줄었으나 전착제를 첨가함으로색 약제의 유실을 경감할 수 있었다. 시판 상품인 리노 1,2호 및 Tween 20 보다도 탈지분유 및 콩추출액의 효과가 현저히 좋았다. 4. Phaltan을 단용하는 것보다 EPN, Folithion, Parathion 및 Lebaycid 를 섞어서 실온에 12일간 두어도 어느 것이나 살균핵과에는 현저한 차이가 없었다.

1. Retention of fungicides and efect of the mixing of spreaders and insecticides with fungicides in control of apple bitter rot were evaluated by 'the assay of inhibition zones with apple exocarp disks:' 2. The effectiveness of chemicals was reduced gradually as the time after treatment increased. Of all the chemicals tested, Difolatan retained approximately 60 percent of the original activity even after IS days. Difolatan had the highest followed by Tuzet, Phaltan, Bordeaux mixture, and Delan, in that order. 3. The fungicidal acivity of Tuzet decreased with increasing application of simulated rain. The wash-offf of Tuzet was reduced by adding spreaders. Dry skim milk and soybean extract were better than commercial chemicals such as Lino No. 1,2 and Tween 20. 4. The mixing of insecticides such as EPN, Folithion, Parathion and Lebaycid with Phaltan resulted in no significant differences in fungicidal effect even after 12 days of storage at room temperature.
