진주담치 Mytilus edulis의 성분에 관한 연구


  • 발행 : 1970.03.01


경남 충무 북만산 진주담치 Mytilus edulis에 대하여 3월에서 12월까지 매월 2회씩 화학성분 조사를 실시한 바 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 수분 함량은 $5\~6$ 월간이 $81.3\%$로 약간 증가 현상을 나타내었고 평균치는 $78.5\%$였다. 2. 조단백질은 9-10월중에 최대치인 $13.7\%$를 나타내었으며 평균치는 $12.0\%$인바 큰 변화를 찾아볼 수 없고, 굴 또는 다른 조개류에 비하면 그 함량이 많음을 알 수 있었다. 3. 지질은 평균 $2.5\%$로 계절에 따른 변화는 거의 없었다. 4. 당질은 $9\~10$월중에 최대치가 약 $5\%$까지 도달하였으며 평균치는 $4.3\%$로서 다른 패류에 비해서 많은 편이다. 5. 조회분은 평균치 $1.5\%$$11\~12$월중에 최대치인 $2\%$ 내외를 나타내었고 인산염은 평균 $963mg\%$, 철분은 $188mg\%$, 칼슘은 $82mg\%$로서 다른 어패류에비하면 풍부한 무기질을 함유하고 있었다. 6. pH는 6.02-6.55 사이에서 큰 변화가 없었으나 겨울철이 여름철보다 조금 높았다. 7. 구성 아미노산중 특히 함량이 많은 것은 Glutamic acid, Aspartic arid, Lysine, Glycine의 순이었고 비교적 함량이 적은 것은 Valine, Proline, Arginine, Alanine, Leucine, Threonine, Serine, Isoleucine, Histidine, Tyrosine, Phenylalanine, Methionine의 순이었다. 8. 우리나라 진주담치는 9월을 정점으로 하여 $8\~10$월에 가장 영양 성분이 풍부함을 알았다.

This paper deals with the proximate composition of the cultured sea mussel (Mytilus edulis) which are distributed along the whole coastline of Korea, particularly abundant in the southern coast Studies on seasonal variation in chemical constituents of the mussel at Northern Bay of Choongmu were carried out from March to December 1968 and the results obtained are as follows: 1. Moisture content in mussel meat was $78.5\%$ on the average; the maximum amounted to $81.3\%$ during May-June, while the minimum was $77.8\%$ in September. 2. Crude protein was in the range of $10.9-13.7\%$; the maximum was In September-October, the minimum appeared in March, and the average value was $12.8\%$. 3. Lipids on the average was $2.5\%$ and there was no markable difference .between the high and low contents. 4. Total sugar was $5\%$ during September-October in its highest, while there appeared minor contents during winter season. 5. Crude ash on the average was $1.5\%$ the and maximum was in November-December. As for minerals in the ash, $963mg\%$ of phosphate, $82mg\%$ of calcium, and $188mg\%$ of iron were found respectively. 6. pH was in the range of 6.02-6.55, but it generally declined to acidity in the summer season. 7. In amino acid contents, there found 16 kinds; $710mg\%$ of glutamic acid, $696mg\%$ of aspartic acid, $383mg\%$ of Iysine, $225.4mg\%$ of valine, $225.1mg\%$ of proline, etc. 8. The amounts of Protein, lipids and total sugar are tend to increase from August to October, particularly in September.
