방사성요오드화반응-IV,V보-과산화수소를 이용한 요오드표지 합성법의 검토

Radioiodination-IV & V-Study on the radioiodination of organic compounds by a hydrogen peroxide procedure

  • 김유선 (원자력연구소 화학연구실) ;
  • 김태영 (원자력연구소 화학연구실)
  • You sun Kim (Atomic Energy Research Institute Chemistry Division) ;
  • Tae young Kim (Atomic Energy Research Institute Chemistry Division)
  • 발행 : 19700600


A study was made on the radioiodination of organic compounds in presence of hydrogen peroxide both in aqueous and organic solvent systems. In case of the reaction of rosebengal, Hippuran, and 5-iodo-uracil the aqueous reaction system could give high labelling yield within a relatively short reaction time. Labelling yield of average 50% could be obtained within 30 minutes of reaction sequence. In cases of organic solvent systems (D.M.S.O., D.M.F., and Dioxane) the solvent system of D.M.S.O. could give better yield for neutral organic compounds, where as D.M.F. and Dioxane gave better labelling result for acidic materials. Especially, o-iodobenzoic acid, o-iodotoluene, and pentachlorophenol could be labelled better in organic solvent system.



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  2. J. Nucl. Sci. Office of Atomic Energy of Korea v.7 Y. S. Kim
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  6. Intern. J. of Appl. Rad. and Isot. v.19 E. Hallaba;E. Abdu Liah
  7. J. Korean. Chem. Soc. v.12 Y. S. Kim;C. D. KIm
  8. Microchem. J. v.14 no.3 E. Hallaba;M. Raich
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  11. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commum. v.35 no.4 T. A. John
  12. Proceedings of quality control and chemical analysis of radiopharmaceuticals, RCCR Y. S. Kim
  13. RCCR 208 A. Appleby;R. E. spillett