생사기계검사 항목간의 상관관계

Correlation Among Items of Mechanical Tests in Raw Silk

  • 발행 : 1970.06.01


This study was carried out in order to investigate the correlation among test items of export raw silk. The results obtained from the study are summarized as follows. 1. The highest correlation was between evenness and low evenness in case of the filaments made of autumn cocoons and the coefficient of correlation was 0.854. 2. Among following items, viz.; evenness and cleanness, neatness and low neatness and elongation and cohesion, the correlation phisically was not acknowledged, but the coefficients of correlation were high figures. 3. Poor correlation existed between following items, viz.; size deviation and maximum deviation, evenness and low evenness, neatness and low neatness, cleanness and low neatness. 4. It is considered that the high correlation exists between tenacity and elongation, but in this study the correlation existed among some items. 5. In this study it is a new fact that the correlation between neatness and cohesion as well as low neatness and tenacity existed enough highly. 6. As a conclusion the independence of ten items tested at present was acknowledged.
