Studies on Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus of Tussah Silkworm, Antheraea Pernyi Guerin

  • Lim, J. S. (Sericultural Experiment Station Office of Rural Development)
  • 발행 : 1970.06.01


1. 한국에서 작잠농병을 발생시키는 주된 Virus는 핵질다색체 Virus 이다. 2. Virus 묶음은 봉입체단백직의 분자구조내에 함입되어있다. 3. 봉입체단백질에 존재하는 Virus묶음은 평균4개의 간상형 Virus입자로 되어있으며 이를 싸고있는 막은 두개로 되어있다. 4. 봉입체단백질내에 존재하는 Virus묶음은 질서와 균형있게 배열된 것이 아니고 되는데로 산재해 있는 것 같다. 5. Virus입자와 봉입예단백질은 전염된 세포의 염색체에서 형성된 소위 "Virogenic stroma"에서 생겨진것이다.

Many a fine structures of nuclear polyhedrosis virus in Lepidoptera had been described by electron microscope. In the larva of Antheraea pernyi Guerin, the leading virus causing infectious disease in Korea is disclosed nuclear polyhedrosis virus, which embed bundles of virus particles in the molecular lattice of polyhedra protein. The number of virus particles within a bundle. is on the average four particles, which are enclosed in a intimate membrane closely surrounded with developing membrane. The bundles of four virus particlesare at random embedded in the polyhedra protein, which is originated from the so-called virogenic stroma of chromosom in the infected nuclear.
