PVC관을 이용한 배수연구

A Study on the Underdrainage of Wet Paddy Fields by Using P.V.C. Pipes

  • 발행 : 1970.07.01


본시험사업기간(本試驗事業期間)이 $9{\sim}2$월초(月初) 사이기 때문에 시험포장(試驗圃場)을 임대(賃貸)하여 흡수관리설공사(吸水管理設工事)가 끝나자 이어 장려품질(品質)인 맥류(麥類) 2종(種) (밀 : 농림 4호 쌀보리 : 도원)을 파종하고 발아상태(發芽狀態)와 초기생육(初期生育)만 조사(調査)하고 나머지는 내년(來年) $1{\sim}6$월(月) 사이에 조사(調査)를 완료(完了)하고 이어 벼의 시험(試驗)을 하기로 한다.

Underdrainage has been studied by using PVC suction pipes in the low and wet Paddy field: Fist, three test plot and three control plots were set and drainage methods and Soil tempratures in the test plots have been examined. The experiment was conducted making use of the 'NONG-RIM No, 4'(Wheat) 'DOWON' (rice barley), a recommended variety. Test period was from September, to December, 1969. The experimental methodsand results obtained through this experimontation are as follows: 1) Ground water level in the test plot goes down by 34 cm. 2) In sprouting, control plot is earlier than test plot by three days. 3) The rate of sprouting is equal.
