여자대학생의 체형과 의복의 원형구조법에 관한 연구 -신분각부위의 상관 계수를 중심으로-

A Study on the pattern construction and body structure of Korean college girls on the basis of correlation coefficient of each body part.

  • 발행 : 1970.12.01


1. For the purpose of making the basic pattern construction 100 girls attending the Seoul National University College of Home Economics were measured in finding of body size and coefficient of correlation which would be used as one basis of this study. 2. Coefficient of correlation of each body part based on the breast width was shown as follows; Correlation coefficients of bust to waist and hip were high and those of bust to shoulder width, neck height, back width, and breast width were low. None of that was found between bust and back length. It was not recognized so scientific to adjust the basic pattern construction with figures proportioned by those of neck, shoulder width, breast width, and back width. 3. The method of basic pattern construction obtained by this research has been demonstrated in direct wearing since 1967. It is believed that the result will contribute a great benefit in teaching clothing as well as in mass production industry of ready-made garments.
