n-Alkyl amine 鹽酸鹽의 水溶液 中에서의 apparent 및 partial molal volumes에 관한 硏究

A study on the apparent and partial molal volumes of n-Alkyl amine hydrochloride in water

  • 운상기 (동아대학 문리과대학 화학과)
  • 발행 : 19690600


n-Alkylamine hydrochlorides $C_nH_{2n+1}NH_3CI$에서 n=0에서 n=4 까지 이르는 低分子量 同族體의 apparent molal volume {\phi}\nu$ 및 partial molal volume $V^{\circ}$을 30$^{\circ}C$水溶液에서 測定하엿다 아민산의 濃度는 0.01M에서 0.3M까지 , 密度測定은 浮力法(Float method)를 適用하여 少數點 以下 5位까지 取하였다. 實驗結果 同族體의 分子量이 一定量 $CH_2$식 增加함에 따라 $V^{\circ}$값이 規則的인 差로서 增加한다는 事實이 觀測되었다. 또한 濃度增加함에 따른 {\phi}\nu$ 變化는 共通的으로 直選的이고 limiting slope는 positive이며 比較的 理論値에 가까왔다. 共通anion인 鹽素이온 $CI^-$의 partial molal volume, $V^{\circ}$$CI^-$은 18.6ml $mole^{-1}$으로 他硏究者들의 date와 大體的으로 一致하였다. {\phi}{\nu}$ 값의 變化로 보아 이온의 hydrophobic effect와 change effect는 거의 競合狀態이나 charge effect 곧 electrostriction effect가 優勢를 보였다.

The apparent and partial molal volumes({\phi}\nu$and $V^{\circ}$) of a series of homologous n-alkylamine hydrochlorides $C_nH_{2n+1}NH_3^+Cl^-$, where n varies from zero to four, have been determined by means of a float method at 30$^{\circ}C$ to the fifth decimal place down to 0.01M in aqueous solutions. The experimental results indicate that the partial molal volumes of the salts are almost additive for successive homologues depending on the increment of molecular weight ($CH_2$). It has been observed that the concentration dependence of the ${\Phi}v$ are linear in general and limiting slopes are positive and relatively close to the theoretical values. Anionic partial molal volume of chlorides anion $V^{\circ}_{Cl^-}$ is found to be 18.6 ml $mole^{-1}$, which is in good agreement with the results of other workers. {\phi}\nu$ data also show that in solution the hydrophobic effect of ions are in competition with the charge effect, but the latter, that is, electrostriction seemed to be considerably predominant.



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