鷄胎賢의 Alkaline Phosphatase, PAS-陽性物質 및 燐脂質의 分布에 관하여

Distribution of Alkaline Phosphatase, PAS-Positive Materials and Phospholipid in the Kidney of the Developing Chick

  • 하재청 (부산대.문리대)
  • Hah, Jae Chung (Dept. of Biology, Pusan National University)
  • 발행 : 1969.09.01


著者는 白色레그혼의 種卵을 孵化시켜 얻은 鷄胎中 賢과 後賢에 있어서의 alk. p., PAS-陽性物質 및 燐脂質의 消長과 局在位置의 變異를 組織化學的 方法으로 追究하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 分泌尿細管의 器官形成에 앞서 未分化 間葉組織內에 强한 alk. p. 活性이 出現하였으며 同活性은 分泌尿細管의 分化와 함께 消失하였다. 2. 中賢 및 後賢 分泌尿細管의 分化와 함께 alk. p. 및 PAS-陽性物質은 分泌尿細管의 刷子綠에 强陽性反應을 보였다. 3. 中賢 및 後賢 分泌尿細管의 細胞質과 刷子綠은 强한 燐脂質 陽性反應을 띠었다. 4. 造賢組織의 分化中 未分化 間葉組織에 alk. p. 活性이 出現하였다가 組織의 分化와 함께 消失된 事實에서 보아 alk. p. 는 組織分化에 關與하는 것으로 생각된다. 5. 中賢 및 後賢 分泌尿細管의 刷子  에 있어서 alk. p. 와 PAS-陽性物質 및 燐脂質의 變異와 分布狀態가 一致한 것으로 보아 alk. p. 는 炭水化物의 再吸收 및 燐脂質代謝에 關與하는 것으로 思料된다.

For the purpose of making clear the activity of the alkaline phosphatase to the morphogenesis and function of the various structures of the developing chick kidney in relation to PAS-positive materials and phospholipid, the author observed histochemically the aforementioned enzyme and other substances. The mesonephros and metanephros of 4-20 day white leghorn embryos were used, obtaining the following results. 1. Before definite appearance of the secretory tubules the alkaline phosphatase activity showed strongly in the undifferentiated mesenchymal tissue. As the tubules grew differentiated, the alkaline phosphatase activity was found to have disappeared in the mesenchymal tissue surrounding the tubules. The above mentioned fact indicates that the alkaline phosphatase may be concerned with morphogenesis of the developing chick kindney. 2. The fact that the strong alkaline phosphatase activity and the occurrence of the PAS-positive materials were observed at the luminal borders of differentiated secretory tubules of mesonephros and metanephros, indicates that alkaline phosphatase may be concerned with reabsorption of carbohydrate at the borders. 3. A strong positive reaction of phospholipid was found in the cytoplasm and brush borders of the mesonephric and metanephric tubules. The fact that vicissitude of alkaline phosphatase was found to coincide with that of phospholipid suggests that the enzyme may have influence on the metabolism of the phospholipid.
