DL-1-Aminoethylphosphonic acid의 생물학적(生物學的) 기능연구(機能硏究)

A Study of Synthesis and Biological Function on DL-1-Aminoethylphosphonic Acid

  • 김숙희 (이화여자대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 조정남 (이화여자대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 김용준 (고려대학교 이공대학 화학공학과)
  • Kim, Sook-He (Dept. of Food and Nutrition, College of Home Economics, Ewha Woman's University) ;
  • Cho, Jung-Nam (Dept. of Food and Nutrition, College of Home Economics, Ewha Woman's University) ;
  • Kim, Yong-Joon (Dept. of Chemical Engineering, College of Science and Engineering, Korea University)
  • 발행 : 1969.12.30


생후 $40{\pm}5$ 일된 젖떨어진 Albino Rat female male 각각 30마리를 크게 Alanine(AL)과 Aminoethylphosphonic acid(AEP) group으로 나누고 각 group을 다시 각각 2 group으로 나누어 female male Alanine 0.1%, female male Alanine 0.2%와 female male AEP 0.1%, female male AEP 0.2% 합(合) 8 group으로 나누어 14 주동안 실험한 결과의 요약은 다음과 같다. 단백질 효율과 뇨중 질소배설량에 어떤 유의적인 차이가 없음으로 AEP도 다른 일반적인 Amino acid와 같은 정도로 체내에서 이용됨을 알 수 있다. AEP의 첨가로 인한 p의 이용율의 변화 유무를 판정하기 위하여 뇨중 p의 함량을 측정한 결과 모든 group사이에 유의성이 없었음으로 alanine 첨가 group에서나 AEP 첨가 group에서나 같은 정도로 체내에서 이용됨을 알 수있으나 AEP의 첨가로 인한 Dietary Phosphorus함량이 높음으로 인하여 체내 보유량이 많다는 것을 알 수 있으며 이는 blood phosphorus 함량측정을 해본 결과와 일치함을 알 수 있다. 간질소 함량을 측정하여 본 결과 AEP 첨가가 간질소 함량을 높일 수 있으며 0.2%쪽이 더 많은 양을 간에 보유할 수 있다는 것을 알았다. 간지방 함량도 간질소 함량과 같은 방향으로 나타났으며 조직 검사로 fat lumps를 발견할 수 없었으므로 AEP 첨가가 fatty liver의 요인이 될 수 없다는 것을 알 수 있다. Amino acid의 생물학적 가치와 Amino acid의 조성사이에는 현저한 관계가 있어 양적으로 충분한 단백질을 섭취한다 하더라도 섭취한 단백질이 함유하고 있는 Amino acid의 종류 및 각종 Amino acid의 비율에 따라서 소화에 현저한 차이가 있어 생물학적 기능이 다르다는 것이 Oser와 그외 여러 학자들에 의하여 보고되었다. 이 보고에 비추어 보아 0.2% diet에서 Amino acid의 장내 흡수시 imbalanced condition을 초래 한 것으로 본다.

Since 1959 ${\beta}-aminoethylphosphonic$ acid was discovered in the living organism, the biosynthesis and biological functions of aminophosphonic acids have been extensively studied. The author designed and carried out this study for 14 weeks to find out the metabolic function of Ethylaminophosphonic acid (AEP) and it's utilization in the living body. Sixty rats, thirty males and thirty females aged $40{\pm}5$ days were divided into two parts, one for alanine supplemented as control group and the other for AEP as experimental group to compare metabolic pathway of ordinary amino acid with that of AEP. Both alamine and AEP group were divived into two subgroups according to the level of supplements, 0.1% and 0.2% of the diet. The major components of the diet in this study were composed of 20% casein, 72% Sugar, 4% fat, 4% salt Mixture, and all kind of Uitamins in adeguate amount. For comparision of biological values between experimental and control group in terms of body weight, uninary nitrogen, creatinine excretion and final orgam weight, there were no statically significant difference in these respects. This meant AEP could be utilized in the body as much as alanine could. Urinary phosphorus excretion was determined by developing the blue color to read on the Spectronic 20. Statistically insignificance in the urinary phosphorus excretion between experimental and control group was observed in spite of the supplementation of phosphorus of AEP for experimental group in the diet. The level of blood phosphorus was higher in experimental group than that in control group this result supported above result. In the analysis of fat and nitrogen contents in the liver, AEP group showed slightly higher than control in both respects. But it was noteworthy 0.2% AEP group in both sex were higher than 0.1% AEP in liver fat content. Histological examinal of internal organs liiver, lung, spleen, heart, kindey, adrenal and sex organs showed no changes in all groups included in this study. The group supplemented higher level of diet. by alanine 0.2% and AEP 0.2% stayed on less body weight gain and lower liver weight. This result could be interpreted that amino acid imbalanced condition was arose in the body.
