The rate-constants of the nucleophilic addition reaction of n-butylmercaptan to 3,4-methylenedioxy-${\beta}$-nitrostyrene were determined at various acidic pH and a rate equation which can be applied over wide pH range was obtained. From this equation, one may conclude that this reaction is started by addition of mercaptan molecule below pH 3, while above pH 6, the overall rate of addition is almost only depend upon the concentration of nitrostyrene and the mercaptide ion. At pH 3∼6, the complex mechanism of this addition reaction can also be fully explained by the rate equation.
여러 酸性溶媒 속에서 3,4-methylenedioxy-${\beta}$-nitrostyrene에 대한 n-butylmercaptan의 親核性 添加反應速度常數를 측정하여 넓은 pH범위에서 잘 맞는 反應速度式을 구하였다. 이 식에 의하면 pH3이하에서는 mercaptan분자가 첨가하며 pH6이상에서는 mercaptide ion이 첨가함을 알 수 있고 이 중간 pH범위에서 일어나는 복잡한 반응 메카니즘도 이 식에 의해 정량적으로 잘 설명할 수 있음을 알았다.