芳香族 誘導體의 염素化反應 Ethyl-${\alpha},{\beta}-dichloro-{\beta}$-phenyl propionate의 gamma 線 鹽素化反應

Chlorination of Phenyl Derivatives : Chlorination of ethyl -${\alpha},{\beta}-dichloro-{\beta}$-phenyl propionate under gamma ray irradiation

  • 김유선 (原子力硏究所 化學硏究室) ;
  • 김기수 (原子力硏究所 化學硏究室)
  • Kim, You-Sun (Chemisty Division, Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • Kim, Ki-Soo (Chemisty Division, Atomic Energy Research Institute)
  • 발행 : 19680600


芳香族誘道體 化合物의 鹽素化反應을 紫外線照射 및 ${\gamma}$-線照射下에서 行하였던 바 ethyl,${\alpha} ,{\beta} -dichloro-{\beta}$-phenyl propionate의 境遇 紫外線下에서는 主로 p-chloro 化合物이 生成되었다. 같은 反應을 ${\gamma}$-線 照射下에서 行한 結果 에스텔과 鹽素의 몰比가 1:2일 때에는 p-chloro 化合物이 主로 生成되었으나 몰比가 1:8인 境遇에는 側鎖鹽素化物이라고 判斷되는 多鹽素化合物이 生成되었다. 反應生成物을 確認하기 爲하여서 ethyl , ${\alpha} ,{\beta} -dichloro-{\beta}$-(p-chlorophenyl) propionate 및 ethyl${\alpha} ,{\beta} -dichloro-{\beta}$ -($o$-chlorophenyl) propionate 를 各各 ${\gamma}$-線 照射下에서 鹽素化시켜 보았더니 p-chloro誘道體에서는 側鎖鹽素化物을, o-chloro誘道體에서는 o,p-dichlorophenyl 化合物에 各各 該當하는 鹽素化物을 生成하였다. 化合物 確認에는 放射化 thin layer chromatography를 利用 하였으며 鹽素含量을 放射化分析法을 分析하였다. 反應結果를 鹽素化反應에 對한 芳香族의 置換基의 效果와 關聯시켜 論議하였으며 實驗方法을 記述하였다.

Chlorination of aromatic derivatives under UV light and ${\gamma}$-ray irradiation was studied. Ethyl ${\alpha} ,{\beta} -dichloro-{\beta}$-phenyl propionate gave the p-chlorophenyl derivatives when chlorination was done under UV light. The same type of the product was obtained in the reaction where the mole ratio of the ester and chlorine was 1 to 2 and the chlorination was done under ${\gamma}$-ray irradiation. When the mole ratio of the ester and chlorine was 1 to 8, the chlorination reaction under ${\gamma}$-ray irradiation gave a poly-chlorinated derivatives which was identified as a side chain chlorinated p-chlorophenyl derivatives. Ethyl ${\alpha} ,{\beta} -dichloro-{\beta}$-(p-chlorophenyl) propionate gave the same type of the side chain chlorinated p-chloro derivatives by the chlorination under ${\gamma}$-ray irradiation, whereas ethyl ${\alpha} ,{\beta} -dichloro-{\beta}$-(o-chlorophenyl) derivatives gave o,p-dichlorophenyl derivatives. The identifications of the products were based on a radio thin layer chromatography and activation analysis of chlorine contents of product. The chlorination reaction was discussed in regards to the effect of phenyl substituents to the formation of reaction product and the procedures were described.



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