이온交換樹脂에 依한 蒼鉛 中 不純物의 分離定量 (I)

The Separation of the Impurities in Bismuth Metal by Ion Exchange Resins and Colorimetric Determination

  • 박면용 (大韓重石鑛業株式會社 서울製鍊所)
  • 발행 : 19680600


Dowex $1{\times}4$ 陰이온 交煥樹指를 二段階(높이:下段 22cm, 上段 3cm, 直經 1.5cm)로 充塡하여 비스머스 金屬中에 들어있는 不純物인 Pb(II), Ag(I), Cu(II)를 7.5M 鹽酸으로, 그리고 Zn(II), Fe(III)를 0.5M 鹽酸으로 分離하고 上段에 남아있는 Te(IV)은 2M NaOH 용액으로 容出하고 아직도 上段에 남아있는 Au(III)는 樹脂를 태워서 分離하였다. 또 한가지 方法은 같은 樹脂를 10cm 높이로 一段階의 管에 充塡하여 0.5M 鹽酸으로 Pb(II), Ag(I), Cu(II), Fe(III), Zn(II)를 함께 容出하여 비스머스 中에서 分離하였다. 分離된 모든 不純物은 比色法으로 定量하였다.

Two methods for separation of the impurities from bismuth metal have been found by the use of Dowex $1{\times}4,$ anion exchange resins. The first method is that Dowex $1{\times}4$ resins are packed into the two stage columns (height of under stage is 22cm and upper stage is 3cm, and diameter of columns are 1.5cm), and the impurities of Pb(II), Ag(I) and Cu(II) are separated by the eluent of 7.5M HCl soln, Zn(II), Fe(III) by 0.5M HCl solns, and Te(IV) in the upper stage by 2M NaOH soln. Remained Au(III) in the upper stage is determined by the ignition with resins. The 2nd method is that for the separation of all the impurities simultaneously the same resins are packed into single stage column(height is 10cm and diameter is 1.5cm), and all the impurities of Pb(II), Zn(II), Cu(II), Fe(III) and Ag(I) are eluted by the eluent of 0.5M HCl soln. Separated impurities are determined by the colorimetry.



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