강원도(江原道)소나무와 낙엽송(落葉松)의 수피율(樹皮率)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

A Study on the Bark Percentage of Red Pine (Pinus densiflora S & Z. Produced Kang Won Do) and Larch (Larix KaemPferi Sargent)


We studied on the bark Percentage of red pine (Pinus denssiflora S & Z) and tarch (Larix Kaemdferi sargent) and obtained the results as follows: (1) For diameter classes from 8 to 38 cm in red pine. the linear equation adopts the relation of the bark percentage to the diameter more accurately than the logarithmic equation. (2) The difference between the regression equation of the bark percentage between red pine and Larch is significant and the correlation cofficient in red Pine is high so that standard error of red Pine is lower than its value of Larch. We established, therefore the tables of bark percentage for each species by applying the following regression equations. red Pine Y=10.08205-0.08794x Larch Y=10.3527-0.17071x.
