원자력발전 전망에 관한 검토

Study on prospect of nuclear power generation in Korea

  • 발행 : 1967.01.01


Indigenous energy resources available in Korea are limited to the three major resources such as Korean anthracite, hydraulic potential and wood and straws. As reported in various reports concerning energy problem in Korea, unfortunately these three major resources are not only poor in quality but also limited in quantity. The amount of energy to be imported, which will be increased at a considerably high rate by years due to the shortage in the supply by domertic sources against the demand, is studied in the view-pint of sound and logical energy dependence upon the external sources. What would occur, if the imported energy would be exclusively limited to an energy source only, has an enough reason to be paid a significant consideration. As a result, the feasibility is discarded in favour of nuclear power plants after an extensive prospect for electric power development plan covering more than coming thirty years, i.e., up to the year of 2,000 A.D. In briefing, this paper indicates that a measures to accomodate as large amount of nuclear power plants as possible in the electric power system is not only inevitable for a sound solution of the severe energy problem with which Korea is to be confronted but also leads to the national benefit.
