Regional Differences of Entry Rate of Freely Diffusible Substances from Peritoneal Cavity

복강내 확산성 물질의 부위별 흡수속도

  • Cho, Byeong-Deuck (Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University) ;
  • Shin, Dong-Hoon (Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University)
  • 조병득 (서울대학교 의과대학 생리학교실) ;
  • 신동훈 (서울대학교 의과대학 생리학교실)
  • Published : 1967.06.01


The entry of antipyrine and urea from the peritoneal cavity of rabbit into organ tissue and blood plasma was studied. Two hundred mg of antipyrine plus 300 mg of urea in 10 ml Ringer's solution was injected into the peritoneal cavity of anesthetized rabbit. The injection was made from above of a rabbit kept tying right side down and it enabled part of the abdominal organs (liver, intestine, kidney) was immersed in the injected solution and kept high concentration gradient throughout the experimental period. The remaining part of the organs was revered only by a thin film of the test solution. Subsequently, in this part of the organs the concentration gradient of the diffusible substances during entry was presumed to decrease as time elapsed. Four pieces of the liver tissue were taken namely, the right superficial, right deep, left superficial and left deep portions. Two were taken from the small intestine, one from the portion which was immersed in. the fluid and the other from that above the fluid mass. Both kidneys were separately analyzed. As a remote organ the gastrocnemius muscle was taken from the right leg of the animal. The intervals which were the time periods elapsed after injections were 5,7,10,15 or 30 minutes. At each point 5 animals were sacrificed and the concentrations of the test substances in the tissue water were measured. The results obtained were as follows. 1. In the liver the right portion which was immersed in the fluid showed higher concentration if the test substances than the left portion and the superficial region exceeded the deep region. The concentrations diminished as the time elapsed after infusion, particulary in the case of antipyrine, suggesting circulatory removal of the substances. In urea such decreasing tendency of the concentration was not obvious, and suggested slower removal rate of it as compared with that of antipyrine. 2. In the small intestine there was no regional difference in the concentration of the test substances. Because of the intestinal motility different portions of the intestine were seemed to have bathed in the fluid of the same concentration. In general the concentrations in the intestinal wall exceeded those of the liver, suggesting a slower removal rate than in the latter. 3. In the kidney the accumulation of the endogenous urea was predominant, and the accumulating mechanism in the renal tissue went on during the period of the experiment. Therefore it revealed increasing tendencies as the time elapsed. The penetration of the test substances in this organ from the peritoneal cavity seemed to be slower than in other abdominal organs, namely liver or small intestine. Part of the test substances in the kidney were obviously brought by the blood stream. 4. Rapid exponential decay of the concentration of antipyrine and of the osmolality of the peritoneal fluid was attributed to the extensive removal through the whole dimension of the peritoneal surface, and the remote organ such as the gastrocnemius muscle attained a fairly close value to that of the abdominal organs in less than 30 minutes. The factors which related to the absorption rate were discussed. They were the concentration gradient, permeability and the regional perfusion rate.
